Chapter 25

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We sat and talked in Brian's living room for the longest time. Becca really is an amazing girl and I feel terrible for how I treated her. I really hope she'll let me make it up to her and give me a chance to show her the kind of guy I really am.

“It's getting late. I should head home,” Becca says.

“I'll walk you to your car if you'd like,” I offer.

“Sure,” she smiles.

She hugs Brian goodbye and we walk out to her car together. As she's unlocking her door, I bite my lip and take a silent breath.

“Uh. So I was wondering if I could, I dunno... Take you on a date tomorrow night?”

She turns to me with a wide smile.

“I'd love that.” Oh thank God.

“Great! Pick you up at 6?”

“Sounds good.”


She smiles and hugs me before getting in her car.

“See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” I grin.

She backs out of the driveway and drives off. I let out a happy sigh and head back inside. I meet Brian back in the living room and sit next to him on the couch.

“What's with the gigantic smile on your face?” He raises his eyebrows.

“I asked Becca on a date.”


“She said she'd love to.”

“Oooh lucky you,” he smirks.

“I know. I really wanna make up my asshole attitude to her. I really didn't have to be such a dick.”

“Yeah. You really didn't.”

He says it in such a cold tone that I frown. I can tell he's upset with me for how I acted and honestly, I don't blame him. Everyone said the same thing about Amber, but I never said rude remarks to them. I sigh and get up from the couch.

“I'm gonna head home. I gotta organize this date for tomorrow. I'll talk to you later.”

“Alright. Have fun,” he smiles.

I give him a hug before grabbing my keys and heading out to my car. I get in and start driving home. I want this date to be the best date she's ever been on. I just gotta figure out what I'm going to do, where I'm going to take her. I have a few places in mind, but I want to choose the best place possible. This date will be a night she'll never forget.

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