Chapter 3

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“Great job, Becca. The pictures came out fantastic. Would you like to see?”

“Sure,” I smile.

He motions me over to his computer where he has all of the pictures displayed on the screen.

“In some photos there's a full view of you, but in others it's just a close up of one particular item of clothing. It's what we usually do, but with you I want to do full view because you've got a rocking hot body.”

“Thank you,” I laugh.

He smiles and nods, clicking out of the pictures.

“So that's it for today. If you need anything just give me a call. You've got my number, right?”

“Yes I do. Thanks again for this job. I really needed it.”

“Well I wasn't going to turn down one of the hottest woman I've seen.”

I blush and smile at him.

“That means a lot.”

He smirks. “Mhm. Now, I'll see you next time. Go have fun.”

“Without you? I doubt it.”

I laugh playfully and smile as he nudges me.

“Like I said, if you need anything give me a call.”

“I will.”

I smile and get in my car, heading back to my house. As I pull in my driveway a thought occurs to me. Wait a fucking second. Was he hinting that he wanted me to call him for sex if I wanted? I mean, he was pretty much hitting on me. It doesn't hurt to ask... I take a deep breath and grab my phone, dialing his number. He answers after two rings.

“So you got the hint? I'll be there in ten. Text me your address.”


I bite my lip and hang up, quickly texting him my address. I head inside and surely enough after ten minutes there's a knock on my door. I go to answer it and standing there with a smirk is Zacky.

“May I come in?”

“Of course.”

I give him a smile and stand aside so he can come in.

“Nice house you've got here, but I'm more interested in your bedroom,” he smirks.

I blush and grab his hand, leading him up to my bedroom.

“Oooh a king sized bed. That must be a very lonely bed.”

“It can be.”

“I'll fix that.”

He grabs me and kisses me roughly and oh God. His hands. On my ass. Fuck.

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