Chapter 9

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Becca's POV

We get on the plane after a long time trying to get through security and I just plop down in my seat with a sigh.

“You alright?”

I look over and see Jimmy taking the seat next to me.

“Yeah I'm fine. Just wanting this flight to be over.”

“Don't like planes?”

“No I do. I just hate the long ass wait and the uncomfortable ass seats.”

“You can sit on my lap,” he chuckles.

“What's this about sitting on laps?” Brian smirks at me as he sits next to Jimmy. “You're welcome to sit on mine.”

I just roll my eyes and laugh.

“I'm flattered, but I'd rather not get weird looks.”

He shrugs and smirks.

“Your loss.”

Jimmy just laughs and puts his arm around me. I bite my lip.

“So, you ever been to Texas before?”

“Nope. This will be my first time.”

“Nice, nice. It'll be a lot of fun.”

“I hope.”

He nods and relaxes in his seat. I blush as he keeps his arm around me. I wonder if he's single? That'd be nice because he's hot and talented and my type of guy. Though, I think Zacky and I have a thing together. I mean, we did fuck. Is it appropriate to have a sexual relationship with your boss though? And is it alright to have a relationship with him? Fuck why am I even thinking about this? I need a distraction. I take my iPod out of my personal bag and turn on Pinkly Smooth. I sense someone looking over my shoulder so I pause my music and look next to me. Jimmy's looking at me with his eyebrows raised.


“You listen to mine and Brian's side band?”

I bite my lip and nod with a smile.

“Yeah. I like you guys a lot. And not to mention you've got quite the singing voice.”

“Thank you! I've never actually met someone that listens to us.”

“Well, you guys are wonderful.”

“That means a lot, thank you.”

I nod and go back to listening to my music. I can sense him staring at me so I try my hardest not to glance over at him. This is going to be a long plane ride.

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