Chapter 40

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Jimmy's POV

We're all out getting lunch when Matt's phone starts to ring. He looks to see who's calling and frowns.

“It's the hospital calling.”

“Oh no,” I frown.

He sighs and answers it.

“Hello? … What? Really?! … Oh that's great! We'll be there soon!”

He hangs up and looks at all of us with a smile.

“Brian's awake!”

“Oh thank God!” I sigh in relief.

“Let's get back there now,” Zacky grins.

We all get up from our seats at the restaurant and rush back to the hospital. It's practically a race getting back up to Brian's room. When we reach the room, I push Matt against the door frame and run to Brian.

“Ow!?” Matt shouts.

“Brian!” I practically squeeze him to death with my hug.

“Oof! Hey Jim.”

He grins at me and I just pull him into another hug.

“I've missed you!”

“I've missed you too, Jim.”

“Please don't leave us ever again.”

“I won't. I promise.”

Matt comes over with the others smiling.

“It's good to see you, man. How are you feeling?”

“I'm feeling okay.”

“Anything hurting?”

“Nah not really. They must have me on a crazy amount of pain meds.”

“Most likely,” Matt chuckles.

“How have you guys been?”

“Well we've been worried sick about you.”

“I bet.”

“We're just really glad you're okay,” Johnny smiled.

“Thanks, Short Shit.”

I smiled and hugged Becca to me. She looked beyond happy that Brian was okay. I know losing him would have affected her just as much as it would me. But he's okay and that's all that matters. None of us have to worry about losing our best friend.

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