Chapter 5

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It's been about a week since Zacky's and my sexual experience and nothing has happened since then. I really haven't seen him in a couple of days because he's been busy with band related things. They're going back on tour soon and are getting prepared and stuff, so I guess it's understandable. I've been thinking about getting a side job apart from my modeling so I can be making extra money when I'm not doing any modeling. I do have a degree in photography, so I can probably take advantage of that. I wonder if the band is looking for an on-the-go photographer for their concerts? It would be super cool to work for the band as a photographer. I can always call Zacky and ask. Yeah, I'll do just that. I grab my phone from the table and dial his number.

“Hey Becca. What's up?”

“I was just curious. Does the band need a photographer for your concerts? I have a degree in photography and I'd really love to get it to use.”

“I think Matt has been talking about getting a new photographer. The one we have now isn't all that great. Would you like me to give you his number so you can give him a call?”

“Yeah! That would be wonderful. Thanks.”

“Anytime. I'll text it to you.”

“Alright thanks, Zacky. Bye.”


I hang up and wait for him to text me Matt's number. When he does, I save it to my phone and give Matt a quick call.


“Hi. Is this Matt?”

“Yes ma'am it is. May I ask who's calling?”

“It's Becca, Zacky's new VU model. I just had a quick question.”

“Oh hey Becca. Ask away.”

“Well I had called Zacky asking if you guys were looking for a new photographer for your band and he said he did hear you talking about wanting to get a new one. Is that correct?”

“It is, actually. Why, do you know someone?”

“Me. I have a degree in photography and I'd really like to put it to use. Would you wanna check out some of my work and see if I'm a good enough candidate to take photos for you at concerts?”

“Hell yeah I would. How about later tonight we meet up at a coffee shop and we'll discuss it then?”

“Sounds wonderful.”

“Awesome. I'll text you the address of the coffee shop and I'll see you then.”

“Great. See you later.”

We hang up and I smile to myself. Awesome. Now I've got two jobs working for my favorite people. Well, almost two jobs. I'll have to wait and see if Matt likes my work. Speaking of which, I should probably get a portfolio of my photography together. I actually have taken photos of them in the past when I saw them live, so I can use those as examples. I squeal excitedly and get to work on putting my portfolio together.

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