Chapter 16

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 When the concert ends, I don't even bother joining the guys backstage. I just grab my things and take a taxi back to the hotel. I'm not really in the mood to deal with the annoying ass bitch Jimmy's dating. I hope he realizes that he can do so much better than her. I really don't want to have tell him “I told you so” any time soon. When I get back to the hotel, I hand the driver cash and head upstairs to my room. I have a feeling Brian will come here later and ask me what's up and why I came back to the hotel so early. Honestly though, he should know why. I decide to take a quick shower and then check out my photos on my laptop. As I'm setting up my laptop, someone knocks on the door.

“Who is it?”


I sigh. Brian. I go to answer the door and he just smiles.

“You left early.”

“Yeah well, I didn't want to see cuntface.”

“That's new,” he chuckles.

“So what's up? What brought you here?”

“Just wanted to make sure you're alright.”

I smile and nod my head.

“I'm okay. Just about to check out the photos. Wanna see them?”


He comes in so I close the door behind him. He sits on the bed and waits while I hook my camera to my laptop. While the pictures are uploading I give him a smile.

“You guys did great tonight. You never cease to disappoint me.”

“Good I'm glad. Your opinion really matters.”

“Is that sarcasm?” I laugh.

“What? Of course not. I'm being serious. I don't want my best friend to think my band sucks.”

I giggle and playfully elbow him.

“Best friend?”

“Of course. You're certainly best friend material.”

“Well that's great to know.”

He nods and nudges me. I laugh as someone knocks on the door. Who the fuck is it now?

“Who is it now?”


Fuck. I give Brian a look and he just shrugs. I take a deep breath before getting up and answering the door.

“What's up, Jim?”

“We need to talk,” he looks at Brian. “Alone.”

Oh no. I frown over at Brian and he gives me a “you'll be alright” look before leaving. Shit.

Crystal Blue Disguise (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now