Chapter 7

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It's now time for the guys to leave for tour and I'm on my way to the airport now to meet up with them. They're doing a US tour first then moving on to Canada and then Europe after that. I think Matt mentioned a short two month break in between Canada and Europe, so that'll be nice. I'm actually very excited to be taking photos for them. I will definitely not disappoint them. I've taken amazing shots in the past and I'll do it again. I have a top of the line camera, so I'm not worried at all. As I reach the airport parking lot, I smile as I see the guys grabbing all of their equipment and such out of their vehicles. I park next to Matt and get out with a smile.


“Hey! Are you excited to tour with us?” He smiles.

“Very. I will not disappoint you guys with my photography.”

“Oh trust me, we're not worried at all. We've all seen the shots you got of us in the past and they came out amazing. We should have hired you years ago.”

I blush and smile at Jimmy who puts his arm around Matt's shoulder.

“Thank you. That means a lot.”


He winks and walks off towards Brian. I can't help but to smile. I know those two have been best friends for so long and it's amazing to see how adorable they are towards each other in person.

“Those two are the cutest,” I say to Matt.

He chuckles and nods his head.

“The best of friends. They're inseparable.”

“I had a friend like that once. She was killed a couple years ago. Haven't had a friend since.”

My smile fades just thinking about it and Matt puts his arm around me and pulls me into a comforting embrace.

“I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure us guys will do our best to be very great friends to you.”

“Thank you,” I smile at him.

“Anytime. Our girls will probably do the same. They're all nice.”

“I bet.”

I smile and he helps me get my things out of my car. I can't help but to wonder how many of them have girlfriends or whatever and if they're coming along on tour. Does Zacky have a girlfriend? I certainly hope not because he fucked me a few weeks ago. I glance over at Jimmy and bite my lip. A part of me hopes Jimmy doesn't have one because something about him is absolutely charming. Plus, I have a soft spot for drummers and Jimmy is certainly a cutie. Not to mention he's a very funny guy judging by the videos I've seen on the internet. He catches me staring so I quickly look away all flustered. God he's gonna think I'm a fucking weirdo or something. Because that's really what I want to be known as. The weirdo photographer that stares at the band members like she's a lion staring at a slab of fucking meat. I just shake my head and wait for everyone else to finish grabbing their things so we can head inside and go through security.

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