Chapter 11

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We all pretty much got hammered at the bar and actually got back to the hotel safely. Thank God because I'm pretty sure none of us were capable of driving. When I got to my room I went straight to the bathroom to take a long cold shower. Now I'm laying on my bed absolutely pooped. I know I'm going to have a raging hangover in the morning. I did however take a few aspirins before climbing into bed so it won't be too bad of a hangover. I also have a couple of water bottles on the nightstand too in case I'll need those, which I'm sure I will. I hear a knock on my door so I get up to answer it. Who could this be? I swing the door open and see Jimmy leaning against the wall.


“Can I come in?” He slurs.

“Sure,” I smile.

He comes stumbling in and practically falls into me.

“Whoa you're still drunk,” I giggle.

I close my door and lead him over to my bed. I have him sit while I grab him a water from the end table and hand it to him. Looks like I did need them.


“No problem.”

I sit down next to him and watch as he chugs the water down. I take the empty bottle from his hand and toss it in the trash before sitting back down next to him.

“You are so beautiful, you know that right?”

“Thank you,” I blush.

He smiles and puts his arm around me.

“Can I sleep here with you? My room is boring and lonely.”

“Sure,” I giggle.


He winks and gets underneath the blankets. I giggle quietly and get beneath with him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him. I smile up at him and he just leans forward and kisses me. Holy shit. I nervously kiss him back, placing my hand on his cheek. I swear sparks fly with this kiss even if it's just a simple gentle kiss. He slowly pulls back and gives me a smile. I blush and smile back before resting my head on his chest and closing my eyes. Shit that kiss was even better than Zacky's and Zacky's was absolutely incredible. What if he only kissed me because he's drunk and doesn't know what he's doing or thinking? Shit that would totally hurt me if that was the case.

“Goodnight, beautiful.”

“Goodnight,” I bite my lip.

I feel his breathing slow down so I assume he fell asleep. I look up at him and sure enough he's asleep. God he looks so adorable when he's asleep. I giggle softly before resting my head back on his chest and closing my eyes. I sure hope he doesn't regret this in the morning.

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