Chapter 19

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 I wake up in the morning feeling like complete shit. I don't know why, but I've suddenly started feeling ill. My head hurts, my back aches, I have a horrible sore throat, I feel very nauseous, and my nose is running like crazy. I don't remember eating anything last night that would make me feel this way and I was fine the day before. My allergies aren't acting up either, I don't think. Maybe I'll have a drink of water and take some aspirin and see if that helps. As I get up to go to the fridge, the sudden urge to vomit takes over. Ah fuck. I run to the bathroom and make it to the toilet in time to throw up. I throw up a couple more times before collapsing to the floor, weak. I tear up and try crawling out of the room. Luckily someone knocks on my hotel door.

“Come in,” I say weakly, trying my best to be loud.

“Becca? It's Bri. I'm coming in.”

The door opens and I hear his footsteps.


“In the bathroom.” My voice cracks. What the fuck.

He comes walking over and gasps when he sees me.

“Becca! Oh my God are you okay?!”

“No. I woke up feeling all weak and sick.”

He picks me up off the floor and gives me a frown.

“Becca you're pail as Hell. I'm taking you to the hospital.”

“No I'll be okay. Promise.”

“No. I'm taking you to the damn hospital.”

“Fine,” I sigh.

He carries me out of the room and we run into Johnny along the way.

“Whoa what happened? Is she okay?”

“She's sick. I'm taking her to the hospital. If it's anything serious, we're sending her back to Huntington and taking her to the hospital there.”

“No!” I frown. “You guys need me to take pictures for you!”

“We'll find someone else.”


He smiles and kisses my forehead.

“Come on.”

I huff and let him carry me to the car. He sets me in the passenger seat and gets in the driver's side. He drives to the hospital and when we get inside I tell a doctor how I'm feeling and stuff. He takes me to a room to do a few tests and when he comes back, he doesn't bring any good news.

“Looks like you've got Pneumonia. I understand you're with the band on tour, but I suggest you go home and get lots of rest. I'll give you a prescription for antibiotics, which you need to take ASAP, and then you go home and get rest. If you don't feel any better, go to your doctor out there.”

“Okay.” Great. Just what I fucking need. I'm probably going to fucking die now.

Crystal Blue Disguise (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now