Chapter 12

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I wake up to the sun blaring through the curtains. Luckily I don't have a headache since I took aspirin last night, but I still feel a bit of a hangover. I remember Jimmy coming here last night and staying here with me. I turn over on the bed and see that he's not here. Fuck. What if I was right about him regretting sleeping here? I sigh to myself before getting out of bed and getting changed into something appropriate. After I'm dressed, I do my hair and makeup before going downstairs to the cafeteria to get something to eat. When I get down there I see Brian sitting with some girl. She looks a bit snobby and she's hanging all over him. He doesn't look happy in the slightest. Maybe it's a fangirl? I head over to him and smile.

“Hey Bri.”

He looks up at me and flashes me a “Thank God you're here” smile.

“Hey Becca!”

“Who's this? A fan?”

“No, I'm his girlfriend,” she snaps.

“Sorry. Don't need to be such a cunt about it.”

“Excuse me?” She glares.

“Quite the keeper you got there, Bri.”

He just gives me a pained look.

“Fuck off bitch. You don't know me.”

“I may not know you, but it sure looks to me that Brian doesn't enjoy your company.”

She turns to Brian and glares.

“Brian. Tell her that's not true.”

“I uh... It's true. I-I mean it's not true.”

“Brian!” She screeches before getting up and storming out of the cafeteria.

“Oops?” I look at Brian.

“Nah it's okay. She's a fucking crazy bitch. No matter how many times I tell her we're through, she still thinks we're together.”

“Now that's creepy.”


I smile and sit down next to him, grabbing a slice of bacon from his plate and eating it.

“Hey!” He laughs.

“Mm yum.”

He just laughs and we sit there for a while talking when Jimmy comes in with a girl. Fuck. No no no. He doesn't come over to us. Just leads her to the counter to get food.

“Who's that? I ask.

“Amber. Jimmy's girlfriend.”

Well isn't that fucking peachy. He could at least have told me about her instead of fucking kissing me!

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