Chapter 20

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 Brian's POV (Will be in his POV until noted otherwise.)

Becca's been in the hospital with Pneumonia for a week already. I had to force Matt to cancel the US tour because I was not going to let her stay in the hospital by herself. She has no friends or family in Huntington, so I want to be there for her. We're obviously going to do a make up tour for everyone that was supposed to go to our shows. All we're doing really is pushing the tour back, but we're doing it after the Canada and Europe tour so we don't have to mess up everyone else's schedule. The fans were all understanding when we announced it, but some were pretty upset. Jimmy told me that it's stupid we had to cancel the US tour all because Becca was sick. I punched him in the face and told him that he would do the same thing if it was his girlfriend in the hospital. He shut his mouth after that. I'm sitting with Becca right now and she looks awful. I'm afraid she's not going to make it. The doctor's have been giving her a lot of meds and checking on her constantly. She's hooked up to an IV machine, but not life support. I'm hoping she doesn't need that while she's here...

“How is she?” Matt asks, taking the seat next to me.

“Awful,” I sigh. “What if she doesn't make it?”

“I'm sure she will. She's a tough girl. She can pull through anything.”

“You think so?”

“I know so,” he smiles.

“I can hear you two idiots,” she says weakly.

We chuckle and I put my hand on her arm lightly.

“How're you feeling?”

“Like shit.”

“I'm sorry. You'll get better soon.”

“Oh yeah? Sure doesn't feel like it.”

She stares ahead of herself and starts tearing up.

“I don't wanna die.”

“You're not gonna die,” Matt reassures her.

“Where are the other guys?”

“Home with their girls.”

“Of fucking course they are.”

Her last few words trail off weakly. I just sigh and rub her arm.

“I'm sure they'll come visit.”

“I doubt Jimmy will. He fucking hates me.”

“No he doesn't. Don't think that.”

“I don't think, I know.”

I frown and watch as she closes her eyes. I really hope she gets better. I don't want to see her in this condition any longer. If I have to drag Jimmy down here just to make Becca happy, I will. And he better stop being a fucking dick to her or I'll be a dick to him. See how he likes it.

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