Chapter 17

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 After Brian left, Jimmy and I sat on the bed. We sit in complete silence until he finally speaks up.

“What's your issue with my girlfriend?”

“You mean the girlfriend you failed to mention to me last night when you fucking kissed me and stayed the night in my room?”

“Look what happened that night was a mistake. I was drunk and I tend to do things that aren't in my normal nature. You don't mean anything to me in that way.”

I look at him in complete shock and hurt before slapping him hard across the face and standing up.

“Get the fuck out of my room.”

He grabs where I hit and looks up at me.

“I'm not done talking to you.”

“Get the fuck out of my room, Jimmy!” I practically scream in his face.


“Excuse me?!”

“I'm going to finish talking to you before I leave,” he spats.

“Well what else do you have to fucking say to me? Anything else that'll break my fucking heart?!”

“Yeah, just stay the fuck away from me and my girlfriend.”

He gives me a look before standing up and leaving. I stare at the floor and let out a sob as everything he said catches up to me. How the fuck could he act that way toward me? He shouldn't blame his drunkenness for what he did and said. That's a fucking bullshit reason. And about his girlfriend, well Brian told me all about her and she's not a fucking spectacular person to be with. All she wants is his money and everyone else can see it but him. Oh I really hope she wipes his bank account out now. Then he'll see the fucking truth about her. Stupid fucking bitch. I wipe the tears from my eyes before opening my door and screaming for Brian. He comes running down the hall towards my room.

“Are you okay?!”

“Oh just fucking PERFECT!”

“Oh no... What did he say?” He frowns.

I grab his arm and pull him into my room before slamming the door and sitting down on my bed angrily.

“Well?” He sits next to me.

“Pretty much told me that whatever happened last night was a mistake and that I mean nothing to him. Then after a slap to his face and screaming and yelling at each other, he preceded to tell me to stay away from him and his stupid cunt of a girlfriend. Not in those specific words obviously.”

“Fuck. Are you serious?” He sighs. “I'm gonna fucking hit him.”

“Don't. It's not your fault he's fucking blind as a bat about that bitch.”

“I swear to fucking God I'm going to open his fucking eyes.

“I hope you do, Bri.”

I really do.

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