Chapter Three

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"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds."

― Laurell K. Hamilton


Chapter Three:

Parker leaned his figure against the school building. His dark brown eyes were dancing around the school grounds as everyone filed into the front doors, hoping to be on time to class. However, Parker didn't care if he was late to class because today was one of those days where he just had no patience or tolerance for stupid people - also known as almost every soul that attended Marshell Winders High School.

 "You're not allowed to smoke on school grounds," Mr. Kale spoke to Parker with a stern look as he walked up to the boy.

 Parker took the cigarette out of his mouth and looked over at Mr. Kale. "Says who?" He asked as he took another puff. Parker didn't give two flying shits to Sunday what the teacher was telling him, he wanted a cigarette if he was going to have to deal with these people today.

 "Alright smarty pants, come with me," Mr. Kale said as he stalked over to Parker and grabbed the collar of Parker's white t-shirt.

 "Well, my mother always said it's better to be smarty pants than it is to be dummy pants," A smile stretched out on Parker's face as Mr. Kale glared heavily at the student in his hands.

 "Let's see if the principal feels the same way," Mr. Kale hissed as he led Parker into the school.

 "You know, Mr. Kale, I think you're one of the best teachers in this school," Parker exclaimed as he looked over at the teacher that was fuming by his side. Parker started to feel bad that he was making his third-period Algebra teacher mad. It was never his intention to make others mad at him, but he just couldn't help it. Parker had a mouth on him - got it from his mother.

 "I bet you say that to all the teachers as they led you to the office," Mr. Kale said as they entered the front office.

 "Well, yeah, it's customary," Parker smirked. "I believe if you are nice to everyone, you'll go far in life. Don't you agree, Mr. Kale?"

 Mr. Kale ignored the question as he released the collar of Parker's shirt and cleared his throat.

 "Want a cough drop?" Parker questioned as he put his cigarette back in his mouth and reached in his pocket. He pulled out a cough drop, "I think it's been through the wash a couple times, but it should help you with that dry throat you keep clearing."

 Mr. Kale snatched the cigarette from Parker's mouth and smothered it out on the counter of the office.

 "You grabbed the wrong thing, Mr. Kale," Parker stated with a frown as he stared down at the cough drop in his hand, before glancing over at his burned-out cigarette.

 "Is Principal Bordwell in?" Mr. Kale asked the secretary, Mrs. Peach, who was watching the scene in front of her with humor etched out on her face.

Parker nodded his head after he'd shoved the cough drop back in his pocket. "Hey Peaches, what's crackin'?" Parker gave Mrs. Peach a wink.

 Mrs. Peach rolled her eyes, but she didn't expect anything less from the guy that was a regular in the office. "Bordwell should be in her office," Mrs. Peach said as she pointed over to the door.

 "Sit," Mr. Kale stated as he pointed to one of two chairs in the office.

 Parker shrugged his shoulders and sat down in one of the chairs, "Does this mean I'm not going to class?" Mr. Kale didn't answer instead he walked straight into the principal's office. "Score," Parker muttered. Craning his head up, Parker stared at Mrs. Peach, "Hey, Peaches, you got any Dum-Dum suckers back there?"

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