Jisung 003.

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Jisung yawned as he woke up in his warm comfortable hotel bed. He finally was heading back to his dorm and if anything he couldn't wait. His eyes wondered all around the room before realizing the guys had all left for their last photoshoot. He was going to miss it out here in Thailand, but if anything he was getting homesick. The one of the things he would be missing from here was the fans and the beautiful view.

He finally got up from the hotel bed and made his way to the restroom. That hadn't been much use since they usually had to use the restaurant or wherever they were, since they weren't really here. But hey, it is okay you wouldn't want to share a restroom with three other members. Jisung quietly turned on the sink. Quickly rinsing his face with a soap that would keep his face healthy.

Jisung made his way down the stairs before making it to the kitchen -yes they had a two story hotel room- and grabbing a pair of apple. Usually he members would scold him for not washing his teeth before eating, but he never understood why you would do such a thing since they were going to turn yellow. As much as he wanted to question everthing his members told him. He did say for his relaxation day he wanted to head down to the pool. Ever since, he laid his beautiful eyes on the pool he couldn't help put be flabbergasted.

How could a pool look clean -maybe because your paycheck can afford a nice hotel- despite it being a public pool. He couldn't help but shudder at first when he remembered his first time going inside a public pool. Lets just say the horrific memory will always be there. He also remembers seeing the clients getting a massage and a whole plate of the good looking buffet. Goodness, the thought of the buffet made he tummy rumble; he had  better go now, so there won't be too many people.

Jisung checked out everything he had on and not on him just so he wouldn't have to come back and ruin his pool day. He giggled as he saw he trunks in the mirror. They had a weird pattern printed on them but he didn't want to say that to Taeyong. So, instead he kept his giggles down when he first saw them. He grabbed the hotel keys and set himself-not literally- out the door and walked towards the stair.

He hated stair with a burning passion. The one in the sm building stairs always taught him despite the tv making him look fit would get exhausted of stairs. Jisung never got use to the feeling since he had always took the elevator. He opened the gate that lead to the pool and smiled warmly as he saw the shiny cleaned public pool. Jisung lucky day seemed to get luckier since there was only one person.

They seemed about his age but he couldn't quite tell sure. Most people who are older or younger then him end up looking way older. Thank goodness thought, because he did not like; looking older than people. Since, it made him realize his youth is soon to be gone. Jisung placed his things down in a chair. He took a deep breath before making a choice to either head to the jacuzzi or the pool. It was morning so it was somewhat cold but not enough to make him wanna head back to his room.

--- Your Pov---

Your eyes landed on the pale boy, whom, seemed to be having trouble with something. You wanted to check on them if they needed help but due to you not liking to socialize with others. You really couldn't and certainly not to someone who seems to be very cute from where you're standing. So instead, you sat on the chair, flipping threw the page bored out of your mind. Your eyes wondered again towards the boy and soon enough your eyes met.

Making your cheeks flush in pink -and no it is not the tan hehe- and before you know it he seems to be signaling you to come. Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. You placed your book down and got up heading towards the cute boy. Your heart raced quickly and your stomach kept getting called by the butterfly fairy. If you knew anything about talking to someone,  you wouldn't be dragging yourself to a beautiful boy without worrying about it.

Finally, you make it towards him. Your breath was taken away, as you face his him.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you but do you have the keys for the restroom. I seem to have forgotten mine", he groaned.

You heart raced at his cute nose crunch that was follow after a hopeful stare. You little out a small chuckle before nodding. "Yeah, I do", You nervously said. You watched him release and sigh. Which made you giggle. You gave the attractive stranger the keys.

He quickly gave you an awkward smile before heading inside the shower/restroom. You tried to give one back but before you knew it, you heard your phone ring. Which, confused you due to the fact you strictly told your brothers not to call you. During the time you were here.

"It better be important..", You said in a low growl. That saying you quickly went to your phone and answered the call.

"Sister, you know your friend's favorite band?", Your brother said.

You hummed in response and glance at the restroom. Seeing the stranger come out of the restroom. You grinned as you saw him look around for you. You waved your hand so he could see you but to be only meant with a loud shriek on the cellphone.


Your eyes basically popped out of your sockets which meant the stranger here was apart of the nct dream. But, that was a huge maybe but then again he was the only one here and those looks could give this chance a smoother percentage of him being one of the dreamies. You hoped that he wasn't or else, you would be freaking out.

He suddenly popped out of nowhere giving you a sly smile. "Thank you, again for the keys", he smiled.  You shakily took them from his hands and gave him a weird smile.

"Also, my name is Jisung", He looked at your nervously.

Next thing you knew you heard a louder shriek from your still going on call. You covered your mouth in shock before stepping back. "Y-y-y-our welcome Jisung. I best be going don't want to bother you", You said flabbergasted.

He frowned,"Wait, please don't go. I don't wanna totally be alone here". You bite on your lip before nodding.

"Alright, but if so please don't freak out to what I am about to say", You said in hope.

He nodded and gave you his full attention.

"I have been a fan for three years now of your music. That saying my friends has been a fan for you and your members and your guy's music", You said slowly.

His eyes widen and his mouth went dry.

"Well then, as long as you have no clue about me then, I guess I still can ask you out on a date", He smirked awkwardly.

Making you giggle and die in the inside.


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