Soft Bean: Haechan

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❝I have not gone soft!❞

Two words -actually- there aren't two words that can express, how, Haechan was feeling.

He couldn't believe his member ever dare say such- such a cruel joke. He was told that he has gone soft. He felt his pride vanished as those words left Jisung's mouth.

"Oh, but you have, and I think I have a clue who might of helped", chuckled Jisung.

Haechan glared at Jisung, knowing who, he was going to say. Which wasn't true (kind of). He never went soft for a person.


"Hmm..I think it might be our manager's kid who some how, made you suppper~ soft", teased Jisung.

Haechan's face flushed,"N-no, you are an idiot, Y/n, they have nothing to do with this, so don't bring them up and I'm not soft at all".

After some yelling, Jisung dropped the conversation, not wanting to continue the pointless argument.

He left, leaving a confused Haechan behind. Did he become- soft?

'That's stupid, Haechan, is never soft -alright- maybe a little at times' thought Haechan.

He went to follow, Jisung, and explain one more time to make him understand and not to mention the converstation to Y/n nor the Dreamies.

As Haechan went, he was met with an adorable sight, Y/n.

It never matter if Y/n wore a trash bag or pajamas. They always made Haechan squeal and fan boy.

Jisung across the room snickered and coughed, trying to get Y/n to turn their gaze to the stunned Haechan.

Y/n, looked up from their phone, to meet a pair of warm brown eyes. Their facials expression soften, and it's safe to say that, Y/n, was whipped for Haechan.

They got up from the chair and basically drifted towards Haechan, and quickly gave a huge bear hug.

"Haechan, I missed you so much, did you?", smiled Y/n.

Jisung coughed again, this time to get Haechan's attention. Haechan's eyes found Jisung, who, was wiggling his eyebrows and making smoochie sounds.

He glared hard at Jisung, making Jisung stop and run towards the dance room.

He grinned as he pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Of course I did. I mean, I basically wanted to text you a huge paragraph about how much I did", chuckled Haechan.

"Then, how come you didnt?", questioned Y/n.

"I couldn't, because, I felt like you were going to think it was corny and lame", sighed Haechan.

Y/n, frowned, and gave a small kiss to Haechan's cheek."Hey! I like lame and corny. Plus I bet it wasn't".

Haechan giggled and felt so many emotions going through his body, but the two he felt most was, pure affection and happiness.

Y/n, wiggled their selves out of the hug and cupped Haechan's face.

"Alright, just so, you never feel like I'll judge you for supposedly being corny and lame, let me show you how lame and corny I am - by taking you to a date", smoothly said Y/n.

Haechan felt his legs turn into jello and also felt his mouth become dry. All thought, both have been on many dates, he'll never get use to the warmness he get inside his stomach, each time Y/n asked him out.

He nodded and pulled Y/n into another hug.

"So, is Y/n and soft Haechan, both going on a date right now, and if so, would you mind if you guys had a double date?", innocently asked Jisung, whom, came back with Jaemin.

Haechan looked at both boys, wanted to smack both, even if Jaemin didn't do anything wrong.

"Double date, with who?", questioned Y/n.

"Jaemin and I, since my true love, Chenle left for a photo shoot", dramatically sighed Jisung.

Y/n, smiled and looked at Haechan to see if he was okay with this.

Haechan looked down and groaned,"Alright, you guys can come, and babe I think we should go to the carnival this afternoon".

Jisung and Jaemin, both stomach dropped at the mention of carnivals, because there were two things both hated about it. One; roller-coasters. Two; crowds.

Y/n, also was anxious about carnivals, but hesitantly nodded to the idea, since they chose the last time.

Haechan looked at the boys, thinking that they were going to back down. Instead they held a somehow sincere smiled.

Supposing, they didn't regret asking for the double date.

Part Two; expect a lot of restrooms and fun.

Also, sorry for not posting an imagine between a reader and a member.

Anyways, remember to request and vote.

Anyways, remember to request and vote

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