<Request> Jeno 003.

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He groaned quietly as he felt someone jump onto his bed. He shot up with drowsy puppy eyes as he looked to see who it was. He looked to see it was Y/n. He pouted at them due to the fact that they had woke him up. Jeno punched Y/n the the arm lightly, almost enough for Y/n to have not notice it.

Y/n, grinned before wrapping their arms around  lazy Jeno. He leaned into their warm and cozy touch before feelings his drowsiness get the best of him. Jeno needed to sleep and Y/n wanted that for Jeno, but sadly he had to practice. Y/n sighed and ran their fingers through Jeno's silky brown hair.

Jeno presses a kiss on Yn's forehead and yawned while stretching his arms out. How, badly he wished he could lay here with his lover. Jeno dearly wished there was a way to miss dance practice. Y/n unwrapped their arm and got off the bed heading to Jeno's closet.

"Do I have to get up?", whined Jeno. He said giving ,Y/n, the cutest puppy eyes ever.

Y/n walked out of the closet with some comfortable clothes for Jeno. Y/n had to resist as they met Jeno's eyes and pointed towards the bathroom. Jeno rolled his eyes before getting out of his bed and slowly walking towards the restroom make Y/n laugh.

Jeno always felt happy every time Y/n laughed maybe because no one laughed at his joke or maybe because their laugh was the most enjoyable thing to hear each day. Whichever it was, he surely couldn't help but let out a big coo, making Y/n shyly smile.

"What a goofball", Y/n chuckled. They went downstairs and quietly opened the food -that had been made by your parent- that was still hot despite it being a while outside. Y/n grabbed a spoon and started eating away, not bothering to wait for Jeno since they knew he was going to take a while in there. Y/n smiled as they open their phone seeing a cute picture of their boyfriend Jeno. Now that cute smile was such an eye catcher.

Y/n smiled widely the whole entire time waiting for Jeno to start being clingy as always. They grabbed their drink and charger since they were going to be using their phone most of the time. Y/n giggled when she heard Jeno let out many whines about today's schedule. Y/n watched as Jeno entered the kitchen with a huge frown.

Jeno looked at Y/n and pressed a few kisses on their cheek while he ate peacefully the meal (that was delicious) and started to tell Y/n everything that he need to get off his chest. Y/n nodded while sipping from their drink. Jeno couldn't help but admire Y/n always waiting for Jeno to finish so they could comment, or they played with Jeno's hands while hearing him rant. Jeno feel so happy around their lover to the point an eye smile from him was normal.

Y/n always said that they were lucky to have met the most amazing and wonderful boyfriend ever and well Jeno couldn't help but get shy and flustered. Jeno slugged his arms around Y/n's shoulders and pulled Y/n closer.

"Why, are so clingy?", Y/n innocently questioned Jeno.

Jeno pouted,"I am your boyfriend that is why".

Of course, Y/n, could never forget that they were dating Jeno. That angel everyone needed and loved. Yet, Y/n had thankfully ended up with Jeno and now they were hopefully never going to leave each other because they were both each other's halves. And, no one can say otherwise.

Also who ever request this first Jeno imagine, please tell me if you would like to be tagged

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Also who ever request this first Jeno imagine, please tell me if you would like to be tagged.

For the other request's they will be coming soon.

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