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You scoffed as you saw mister popular himself, Renjun, flirt with your best friend. You frowned as you saw, your friend, falling for it. It was sad because you knew, what he was leading her into. You sped walk towards them-placing your hands on her shoulders. "C'mon we gotta go, or else you're going to be late." You said.

Renjun looked at you with a smirk. "Y/n, can't you see that I'm talking to-" You cut him off. "Look, Renjun, I wasn't talking to you." You blankly said. Your friends' eyes widen. You were never rude to someone- even if you didn't like someone, you'd just ignore them. To be so vague to Renjun, in that way, just didn't seem like you.

"Why are you so rude?" Chuckled Renjun. He looked at you with curiosity.

You scoffed. "Why, would I be nice to someone who treats people like they're nothing, but a bunch of toys." You replied.

With that, you gave your friend a 'c'mon don't waste your time, here'. Your friend agreed. Feeling relieved, you took your friends hand and glared at Renjun one last time. He rolled his eyes.

"Y/n~~ seriously, I think he was into me." Softly whined your friend.

"Look, I am not trying to ruin your love life, just make sure you're not wasting it on, people, like Renjun, who don't care about you." You sighed.


Author POV-

Renjun frowned as he saw Y/n take their friend far far away from him. He understood that Y/n disliked him but the way they exposed him like made he realize why he started being a (excuse my language) sort of f-boy. It was all a cover up just so he could get rid of the feeling he had for Y/n since freshman year.

Yet, he realized he screwed up and Y/n was right. He had to do was right. He needed to tell you that he liked you and apologize to the many people he had hurt. But first, he had to explain to you why he did all this and hope he could fix his mistake.

He tugged on his roots, trying to think of a plan. On how, to get you somewhere private and tell you everything. Renjun looked at one of his friend, Jaemin, who was shamelessly flirting with his study partner. Renjun eyes widen.

Bingo, he though.

While, Renjun went to set his plan to action, Y/n, was trying to convince their friend that Renjun is a horrible person.

"I don't wanna hear it. He sucks and need to be told that he cannot use people." You scowl.

"And, you're right but that doesn't mean he's heartless, he just doesn't know how to show his feelings." Y/n's friend murmured.

Y/n clicked your tongue in dissatisfaction, wondering how their friend could be so optimistic. "Okay, but if you get hurt don't come running to me." Y/n replied.

Their friend quickly left to their class- after hearing the 3rd bell. Y/n quickly took your books out of their locker (obviously, closing the locker) and ran to their next period.

The one, they sadly had with Renjun.

Y/n took their place, which, was coincidentally next to Renjun. The person they disliked the most was, seating next to them, probably up to no good- but that wasn't a surprise. Renjun was always up to no good. He was a demon in the eyes of Y/n and the teacher's, but anyone who had a crush on him, he's an angel.

They decided to not pay attention to him and briskly take notes of what the teacher had to say. Renjun- on the other hand- was wondering how he'd asked Y/n to be his study partner. He could tell the teacher, that he desperately needed one, and of course, his teacher would agreed.

Yet again, Renjun, didn't want the teacher to pair him up with someone else. He took a deep breath and flicked Y/n's arm. Y/n eyes widen, hissing at the pain. "What the heck was that for!?" They yelled. Everyone gasped- not including their teacher, whom, was already writing a slip for detention.

'Oh crap. I screwed up.' Thought Renjun. He felt guilty knowing that he had to do the right thing. "Teacher if you keep writing detentions slips for unnecessary, your hands are going to get more wrinkly." Renjun commented.

The teacher grabbed their inhaler from their pockets, mumbling to themselves. "I cannot murder children. I cannot murder children."
With that, both Renjun and Y/n were serving detention by cleaning that cafeteria.

"This is all your fault, you idiot." Told Y/n. Renjun just gave a fake smile towards them, as he continued to throw away grapes that were from the floor. Y/n wanted to punch Renjun's adorable face but they really did not want another detention.

"I already said sorry multiple times. Please, Y/n, believe my attentions were ever to get yolllllul in trouble." He sighed. They rolled their eyes- not believing what he had to say.

"Then why did you pinch me huh?" Y/n asked. Renjun bite his bottom lip. "I was going to ask you to be my study partner." Renjun whispered. "First of all why are you whispering and second of all why would you. I would've rejected you. Lastly, seriously, you pinched me because of that." They glared.

"I know I should've done that- I was stupid and of course I knew you were going to reject me but I would've kept nagging you and whiny, until you said yes." He explained. Y/n's nose scrunched and their eyes brows furrowed together. "Wow, Renjun actually not giving up on something- I'd like to see that." Y/n giggled.

"Okay then, how about this you go on a date with me." He suggested. Y/n eyes almost popped out of their socket. "Excuse me, what?" They asked. He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Please, please go on a date with me and let me prove you wrong that I'm not a idiot who is heartless." He pleaded.

Y/n froze in shock. The, Renjun, was begging for them to go on a date with him. Usually, it was the other way around- people would beg him. He placed his hand on their shoulder. "Look, Y/n I get it. From what you've seen I am a total jerk, that plays with anyone's heart. But I am more that that. Yes, I flirt with people but it distracts me from the feelings I have for you." Renjun informed. They looked at Renjun to see, if it was some type of joke but nothing. His face held fear and anxiousness.

"I know that doesn't make it right and I can stop and I will, because no one deserves getting hurt." Renjun continued. Y/n face softened, seeing that Renjun, was being sincere.

"What you do is wrong and it is going to take a while to convince me, that you are, who, you say you are. Promise me, that if I say yes, you won't leave me because I cannot lie, I do like you Renjun." Y/n softly spoke.

"I promise." Renjun agreed.

"Alright then, don't think that one date is going to change my mind." They added. He nodded.

"That's why I plan to make this date so special- that I'll be able to take you on many more." Renjun smiled.

And for some reason, that made the butterflies in Y/n's stomach go crazy.

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Go stream boom

And y'all  sorry if this sucks

I have serious writer blocks and if anyone has ideas or scenarios please help me out 🥺

*sorry for any grammar mistakes, or spelling mistakes*

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