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He was the reason everyone had a smile during school. He would be the reason someone would have a good day if they did start off with one. At least that's what I see. His golden locks were so fluffy and soft from what I have heard. His laugh was sweet and angelic. The way his eyes wrinkles when he smiles hard because of his friend -who I have to thank for always making him smile.

Everyone loved him because Haechan was funny and genuine compared to most of the boys who went to my high school. He didn't mess around because his study's would take up most of his time, that and he actually treated girls with respect and not like toys. Was it so bad to want the golden boy who everyone wanted? Yes, most definitely yes.

That's why I made sure to always distance myself which wasn't a piece of cake since he always tried to start conversation with me. I tried acting mean but that didn't work out because for some reason everyday he would do something grand for me just so I can like him. It felt like he wanted approval from me which makes no sense because everyone likes him.

"Haechan please leave me alone." I groaned. He kept grabbing my pencil and erasing my mistakes. Which I might have done on purpose. "Trust me. I gonna get you an A." He smiled. I turned my head to the side and gave him a questioning look. "You don't have to do that loser." I say. He giggled which caused so many butterflies to explode in my stomach.

"You're right, loser but you keep getting them wrong despite our math lesson being easy." He chuckled. I wanted to boop his adorable dimples so badly and press a kiss on his cheek, but I resisted since we weren't on that bases (and I don't think we will ever be). He probably already thinks I'm a creep since all I do is stare at his nice side profile. God, I need to stop myself from doing that.

"Haechan work on yours please. I understand it now, and please stop doing that." I whine. He pouts and gives me my pencil back. His hands gently brush against mine and, boy oh boy, it made me want to cave in and tell him all about my feelings for him. Simple little things like would cause me to act like this. He has such an influence on me and it's slowly driving me insane. "Okay, but if you need help I'm always here." He said. I know you're always there for me, I just wish I knew why?

After school

I saw on the stairs in front of the school and waited for the bus. The sun was slowly going down since I stayed after school to help with the library posters. I glanced around and saw Haechan running towards me, no matter what I try to do to avoid him it's like the universe is telling me no. I didn't mind seeing him but I hate how easily flustered I'd get because of him. "Are you stalking me." I sarcastically say.

He grins. "Perhaps." I roll my eyes and squint at the sun behind him which gave him such a beautiful glowing look (that he already had without the suns help). His beautiful eyes lashes that suited him looked so much more glossy. He had this adorable look where he would unconsciously pout and have the most cutest puppy eyes. "Is it okay, if I sit with you?" He asked. I pat the ground, and not even one second he's already next to me.

"Haechan can I ask you a question?" I ask. He nods. "Why are you so willing to help me?" He looked at the bus stop and sighed. "I don't know I just like helping people." He replied. Once again, I felt defeated. I tried so hard for you to see me more than a friend but guess that's all I will ever be, a friend. "Oh okay." He gets up and gives me a hand. I looked at him confused. "The bus is around the corner." Oh, right, the bus. Just as I was about to walk towards the sign, Haechan does the unexpected.

He pulls me into a hug and holds me tightly. "Are you that oblivious." He groans. My eyes widen as I stand there stiff. He puts his head in my shoulder. "I liked you for such a long time stupid. The real reason I help you is because I wanna spend time with you. I wanna be with you and I wanna make you laugh like you make me. I wanna make your day like you make mine, incredibly amazing. Why can't you see that? Everyone else can." I stood there baffled. I wanted to tell him something, anything but I couldn't.

"I guess you don't feel that same." He smiled sadly. He pulls away and walks towards the bus."I like you too and everyday I try so hard for you to see it and that fact that you still don't know, really shows you're the oblivious one." I smile. He laughs and hugs me once again.

"Does this mean you wanna go on a date with me?"


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