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Your feet hit the cement at the pace of the music in your ear buds. You quicken your pace slightly knowing you would have to finish this session quickly. It isnt so much that your fans want videos uploaded at certain times, more so that you want videos uploaded at certain times. You stand before a heavily graffitied cement building and smile to yourself, knowing that you had reached your destination.

  The building is deteriorating, the walls and floors have fallen in, leaving giant gaping holes for you to leap over and under and into. Windows have all been smashed, leaving their sills for you to vault or swing through or cat leap. Pillars of foundation are left exposed, leaving them for you to backflip off of or climb up. You love this place.
  You reach up to the band around your head and click gopro on expertly. You examine the building slowly, allowing the 'audience' to see where you will be performing this time, before charging at a wall, allowing your feet to meet it before throwing your body backward into a backflip.

   Climbing the stairs into the abandoned building, you vault through a hole in the wall and swing through a window into a dim lit room. You examine this room, allowing the camera to do so as well, catching sight of two sets of rebar sticking out of the wall near the ceiling, you leap to grab them, swinging forward and catching onto a remainder of the second floor, hauling yourself up onto it, feeling a small bit of it crumble under you slightly.  
   Rubble, trash, glass, you name it, litters the floor. Thats no issue however, you just run past it or jump over it and swing through old crooked door frames. Or so you think, untill you step on a wiggly chunk of cement and your leg extends underneath you as you leap for another piece of rebar, causing a painfull stretching in your thigh. Your hands catch hold of the rebar you were aiming for, but you release it after a moment, checking the pain in your thigh.

"Dammit." You mumble to yourself.

   You know better than to rush out the door to go free running... You should have stretched before you left your apartment. You sigh and continue forward, pushing through the slight discomfort untill you reach your favorite room. Its much more clean than all the other parts of the building. Not to say it isnt a complete wreck inside, but still in much better shape. It still has four walls, half a window, and the graffitti in here is at least colorful and pretty vs amature eyesores. So you often perfer to set up your tripod and show off a few stagnant moves in here like a few cork screws or back flips or wall spins.

  Today you decided to to just that. Unclipping the camera from both around your hip and shoulder, you began setting up the equipment on the far side of the room. Before long you are wall spinning, back flipping, and corkscrewing in front of the half broken window. You leave the gopro running, perferring to edit the footage side by side, giving your audience a taste of what you see while they see what they do. You also love to spice it up, adding in some rewind, fast foward, pause and slow motion effects in the extra neat moments. Based on the feedback you get, they seem to enjoy it.

  After a few minutes of stagnant moves, you move along, packing up your equipment and restrapping it to your hip securely before flipping, spinning, and leaping your way to the top of the building. Your feet pound up the stairs and you are rewarded with a small veiw of noon traffic in the slow side of town.

   You sigh, it isnt one of your greatest achievments of course, you see a better veiw of the city on top of your own apartment. But it was just for a video. You remove the gopro from the band on your head, giving it your signature silient outro, then turn to head back down the building.
  'Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffeecoffeecoffee.' The word becomes a blur in your head while you jog to your favorite shop. You typically stop there first, but you felt as though you were already late for your recording when you woke up this morning. Hence why you also bailed on stretching and now have a sore leg. After what seems like ages you reach the door of the coffee shop and drag your ass to the counter where Bell smiles at you friendily.

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now