Settling In

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  You just got done with your still painful run, stopping by at your appartment just long enough to shower and drop off your equipment, before opting to stop by at Mark's for food. Your house never has anything good to eat anyway.
  You climb out your window, scale the wall, skitter across the rooof and swing into Mark's habitually. Your feet hit the hardwood floor and you start brushing off your hands, curious as to why Mark isnt int the living room at this time of day. You turn toward the kitchen when you lock eyes with Jack. You both freeze simotaniously, as if you were both caught in equally terrible crimes, before he begins to laugh. You cant believe it took you this long to remember that Mark now has semipermanent company.

"You really werent kidding about coming in through the window." He says, striding over to your entrance and sticking his head out of it in wonder.

"How did you do that?" He asks, his head still hanging out the window.

  Its your turn to laugh now, mostly at the fact that he was hanging out the window looking up at the sky like you swung in like Spiderman. But maybe to those who dont know you, thats what it looks like.

"I hang off the edge of the roof and swing my feet in first." You say, running your fingers through your shower-damp hair as if it were the most simple thing in the world.

  Jack draws his head back inside and looks back at you as you take a seat on the arm of Mark's couch.

"Thats so cool!" he exclaims, as if you just told him you swallow fire. You just smile at his excitement.

"Thanks, haha." You say, not above taking a compliment for your hard work. It took you years of hard work and plenty of injuries to get where you are, you enjoy an awed audience once in a while.

"Oh," Jack said, sounding like he'd just remembered something. "You're probably here for Mark. He just started recording like 10 minutes ago.." Jack said hesitantly, probably unsure if you still hang around if Mark is busy.

   Truth is you're here to get away from the silent stillness of your apartment. The reason you get along so well with Mark is because his need to move around and naturally loud voice were natural comforters to you. Not so much when he yells angrily, but more so his joyous shouting. Silence has never ever been something you enjoy. And neither has stillness.

"Well, I'll let you in on a secret, I'm a welcomed theif amongst these parts and I mostly just came by to steal a meal." You shrug at Jack casually. He laughs, returning to whatever he was making in the kitchen.

"I think I heard Mark mention something similar." He replies, walking back over and handing you a small bowl of fresh mac and cheese. You smile at the food and Jack greatfully.

"If ya'll keep talking 'bout me behind my back, I'm going to develop trust issues. And if you make me food on a regular occasion, I keep coming back like a trash panda." You warn, taking a bite of the food you were handed.

  Jack takes a seat on the couch behind you, taking a bite of his own food, you turn around on the arm of the couch to face him, placing your feet on the coushins.

"Its not my fault that Mark is an introvert who only talks and about two people. And I'd take that as a compliment." Jack jokes with a smile. You could really only smile in response. The truth of the matter is, Mark really doesnt leave unless you force him to. You're much more of an extrovert. Needing to go out and meet people and do and see things.

"Anyway, about how you swooped in here like some kinda superhero," Jack says, placing his food on the coffee table. "Could you teach me how to do that?" His blue eyes seem to ignite as he asks. You lift your eyebrows.

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now