T(S)exting Jack?

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  Once in the driveway, the two of you seem hesitant to part ways as you shut of your car. You sit in silence for a moment, but for once, it isnt an aggitating silence, more of a sad one, one that pulls at you deeply for letting it settle in the first place. Your eyes rest on a receit you tossed on the floor probably weeks ago. You typically walk everywhere, but with your leg hurting the way it does you decided to drive today, plus, you dont really know Jack's take on walking long distances. Your eyes finally meet his and find them pinned on you.

"Thanks for coming out with me today, it was really fun." He says as if he let you in on a secret hes been keeping.

"Oh, I have that effect on things, making them unbelieveably fun, and causing mayhem and havoc wherever I go, ya know basic things." You say, grabbing the steering wheel with one hand and leaning back in the driver seat as if you're posing for some racing magazine. Jack laughs, leaning over the center arm rests.

"I dont doubt that." He says, his eyes searching yours, maybe for sincerity? You swallow at his sudden seriousness, where's the reflection?

"Anyway," you burst, his seriousness and itching silence causing your stomach to flip, as you slap the steering wheel with the hand you held it with. "Its getting pretty late and I have some footage to edit. Today was really fun though." You say, shooting some finger guns his direction as you unlock the door.

"We should do it again sometime." He says, still too serious sounding as he opens his own door and steps out. You swallow again.

"Sure haha." You say, still trying to bring back bouncy, light sounding Jack, backing toward your door. He suddenly beams at you, his eyes pooling with a familiar expression... victory?? Realisation hits you... he found a boundary: seriousness. Score three for Jack. You swallow your bitter defeat.

"See you tomorrow." He says with a cheerful wave, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he turns and practically skips back to Mark's door. Touchè, Irishman, touchè.

    Vvv-vvr. Your phone vibrates, scooting slightly across your desk as you edit today's footage. You pick it up, slidding your thumb across the notification to open it.

Mark: How did the date go? ;p

  You roll your eyes at the message. He knew damn well you had a policy against dating. But pushing your buttons is one of his jobs.

You: It wasnt a date, dork.

   You sent the message but quickly sent another, having a small fear that Jack may be reading the messages over Mark's shoulder like a teenage girl. Oddly you wouldnt put it past him.

You: But I did have Lots of fun. 🙄

  You tell Mark everything, all your feelings, all your fears, all your dreams, hopes, random thoughts, and unimportant ramblings. He knows that you had a façade that you refuse to drop, and while he doesnt fully approve, he supports and stands by you, because he is a true friend that loves you, and you cant ever thank him enough for it. The day you told him about the way you behave and treat people, he realised how much you truely opened up to him, and he opened up to you about his slight attatchment issues, causing a reliance on those he loves. And thats when the two of you became the inseperable pair you are, the dinamic duo, the partners in crime. Brother and sister.

Mark: Sure it weren't. ;)

Mark: He wants to text you

Mark: cause he knows i am

Mark: hes practically squirming in his seat

Mark: but he wont 😒😩

  You smirk at your phone, and the information you were just given. Thank you Mark, you think to yourself as you open Jack's contact and start a conversation thread.

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now