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  The feeling of his breath on your neck sends goosebumps across the entirity of your body. Not to mention the fact that he'd pressed you entirely against him. Every inch of contact feels more and more tantslising the longer it remains. God if only he'd place his lips on you again. They made you feel more like floating than any backlfip could. Can one develope withdrawls in moments? Your body is addicted and you need your fix. And you know just where to get it.

  You turn to face him, placing your hands on either side of his face to kiss him again, standing on your tip toes to do so. You let this one be slow, moving your lips against his slightly as you step slightly forward, pressing your body to his. He takes control of the kiss easily, you allow him to, feeling yourself fall deeper and deeper into it with each passing second.

  Your hands slide from his chest back around to his hair, and you feel a very soft moan against your lips. The sound was heavenly. Something like a caged animal he was holding back with a chain, just waiting for you to press the right button for you to release it. You want nothing more than to release it, to let it have you, to let it make you feel like you're floating, whether or not you are, or drowning.

  He bites your lip and you grip his hair gently, causing another very tiny moan to escape. What do you have to do to release it all? You lift your leg slightly placing your thigh against his hip. He reacts instantly, taking hold of it and pulling you closer, grinding softly between your legs as he does, its your turn to moan softly now.

  That breaks a tiny bit of him. He reaches down and takes your other leg, lift it to rest it on his hip as well, admiring you as you now hover against him, your legs on either side of his hips.

  He kisses you again but quicky moves the focus away from your hungry lips, moving his across the sensative skin of your neck, gently biting down on your weak spot, causing a slightly louder moan to escape your lips, gripping the back of his shirt and a lock of hair as you cling to him.

"Ugh Jack." You whisper softly, willing any part of him to break and unbridal the beast. It seems to work as his hands take hold of your ass and squeeze, causing you to bite your lip. His lips find yours again, meshing against them desperately as if he needs you as much as you do him. You feel his tongue graze your lower lip and you open your mouth wider, allowing it the entry it demanded.

   The pace quickens, his hands exploring your body as if he were searching for anything to send you to the stars, but in honesty every graze is ecstacy.

   Your hands run up the front of his shirt and his sneak up the sides of yours. He breaks the kiss to pull it over your head and toss it to the side carelessly, spinning to lay you on the bed, briefly pulling his body away long enough to pull his own shirt off, quickly replacing himself above you.

"Is this what you want?" He growls softly, still against your lips. You nod. You want it. You want it so desperately.

"Then ask." Jack demands, his eyes firey as they lock with yours. You feel youself melt further. Youd do anything he asked as long as he continued this.

"Please Jack. Please." You beg, your lips grazing his, and your nails dragging up the flesh of his back gently. He shivers slightly.

"As you wish." The feral tone to his voice only making you want it more.

  Your fingerstips drag down the bare skin of his chest and he buries his face in your neck, gently biting, kissing and sucking across it, causing more soft moans to fall out. He grinds himself between your legs, needing more just as badly as you. The fluid motions of his hips thrusting against you is hypnotizing. Each impact is a burst of adrenaline and ecstacy like you'd never experienced. You're desperate for more but never want this to end either.

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now