Talk with Mark 3.0

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  The two of you walk through Mark's front door, still giggling and laughing from some silly joke Jack said on the way over. Mark greets the two of you warmly.

"Hey guys, you should come game with me." Mark says excitedly from his spot on the couch. You look up at Jack and see him shaking his head.

"Thats ok, I feel like I've hoarded (Y/N) all to myself all day, so I'll let the two of you have some time while I go record today's video." Jack says, kissing your forehead gently, before turning to walk into the hall into his room. You feel greatful to him for understanding that you need a moment with Mark to talk about what he needed you for.

  You vault over the couch into your seat and grab your controller, entering as player two in a game of Mario Kart. Turning to smile at Mark before starting up the conversation.

"Talk to me, Goose." You say, causing him to smirk out of the corner of your eye. It quickly fades and he swallows audibly.

"Avery broke up with me." He says, simply, as if he were still numb from it. You turn to him, tearing your eyes from the screen.

"What? Why?" You ask, gently, trying not to sound insensative.

"She felt as though we didnt spend enough time together because of Youtube, and she asked me to quit. I told her no, and we jabbed at one another untill she finally told me she had enough of me choosing everything above her." Mark says, his voice beginning to waver.

"The two of you couldnt come up with a better schedule, maybe?" You try, sincerely. Mark shakes his head in the corner of his eye.

"Youtube was only one of the things she wanted me to stop. It was really only the gateway into the arguement." Mark says, choking back slightly but recovering with a clear of his throat.

"I'm sorry Mark." You say, reaching over to pat his shoulder. He nods thankfully.

"It's ok. If she honestly cared about me she's have known better than to try and step between me and my family." He says, seeming confident suddenly. You turn to him in disbelief.

"Did she ask you to step away from your mom?" You ask incrediously. Theres nothing more that Mark cares about than family. Its hard for you to believe that someone would want to be placed avove them. He nods again.

"Yup. And Jason. And you. And every other family member I talk to on a regular basis." You shake your head.

"Thats awful... Mark if she needed me to go away to stay with you, you know I would have done that for you." You say, feeling guilty that Mark wouldnt give up time with you for his girl. Mark turns to you suddenly.

"No one comes between me and my family. Not Avery, not my next girlfriend, no one. And you are my family (Y/N). Dont you dare say you'd do something for me that I'd never ask of you." Mark says, his eyes spilling sincerity. You swallow, and nod your head.

"But I'd eat a whole cricket for you." You joke, hoping to brighten the mood. You despise crickets. When you were little you had one in your desser drawer and when you opened it, the cricket bounced onto your nose and scared you shitless. You've hated the little bastards ever since. The story always cracks Mark up. He grins st you suddenly.

"But I might ask you to do that someday." He says, equally joking. You laugh, causing a chuckle to errupt from him.

"I'll keep that in mind when I someday force you to eat another chicken foot." You laugh, glancing at him. He shivers at the mere mention of it.

"And hey, Mark..." you say, after a few moments of silence falls between the two of you, pausing the game to gain his full attention.

"I just want to say I'm really sorry for leaving you to deal with that by yourself. I promise it wont happen again." You say, once his focus lands on you. He rolls his eyes and snatches the remote from you.

"Stop being sorry and play." He says, unpausing the game with your remote before tossing it on the opposite side of him, away from you to try and get advantage over you in the game.

  You laugh at him and crawl over his back to reach your remote, managing to gain up him easily.

  The two of you play for a few hours, lightly conversing about eachother's day and how it went. Mark just sat and home and recorded a video before you got back, like always, and you brush over the broad details of your and Jack's date. He seems approving over the relationship that has began to bloom between the two of you, and you take pride in the fact that your fear is slowly disapating.

  While it is true that you arent entirely sure how bad it will hurt when he leaves, you are sure that you will take on the battle head first. You know the time will come sooner than you're ready for, but you also know that Jack is worth it.  He deserves a shot at making you happy, even if it is only a year. He can be a lesson to you for the next guy that swoops in and takes your heart, even if the idea of such causes a wrenching in you chest. You dont really like the idea of someone taking Jack's place.

  Jack steps out of the hall stretching, and joins you and Mark on the couch, wrapping an arm around your middle and cheering you on every so often. You can only smile when he kisses your jaw after you placed higher than Mark in the race.

"Good job, baby." He whispers into your hair, causing butterflies to explode in your belly.

"Thank you, sweets." You reply giving him a flirty wink.

  It finally starts to get late and with the promise to yourself that you would edit and uploads yesterday and today's video, you solemnly get up to say goodbye.

"Hey guys, I better head back. I've got a couple uneditted videos waiting for me at home." You say, looking between the two sadly. Mark nods understandingly.

"Alright kid. You swinging by tomorrow some time?" He asks, looking up at you from his seat on the couch. You nod, and he smiles.

"Cool. I'll pick up Taco bell for lunch." He says, directing his attention back to the game. You smile at him before turning to Jack.

"You'll be here right?" You ask, bending down to be at his eye level with a sly smirk. He grins and nods.

"All day." He winks, causing your heart to flutter slightly.

"See you then." You reply, returning the wink. You stand straight and make your way over to the window to head home and start on the editting and uploads of the two videos you had waiting for you.

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now