Taking Orders?

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"So, what happened to your leg?" Jack ask, pointing to your thigh as you help him place the last of the things in the car to head back to the apartments. Your hand instantly runs across the sore muscle but removes it when his eyes follow.

"Nothing, just had dirt on my leg." You fib with a shrug and a smile, walking around to the drivers side of the vehical.

"Hm, see I had no clue that dirt caused people to limp for the past two days." Jack says sarcastically before climbing into the passenger side.

  You hesistate a moment, standing outside the driverside door, mouthing the word 'Fuck' to youself. He had noticed the slight limp. You'd been trying your absloute hardest to walk normally on the leg, but the more you overwork it, the worse it gets. You simply never learn your lesson. You scramble for another slight fib or way to spin the situation into a joke before opening the car door and sliding in, planting a smile on your face.

"Dirt, nature's gimp causer." You mentally facepalm yourself for your lame response, but externally, you smile at him, start the car, and back out of the parking lot.

"Guess I'll just wait." He says, turning to look out the passenger window with an unamused look on his face.

"What do you mean?" You ask, glancing at him only briefly. He doesnt respond, or even look at you. 

"No no no, the silent treatment? What are we? Four? Come on man." You say nudging his shoulder. He still doesnt react.

"Jaaaaaaacccccckkkkkk." You whine, patting the steering wheel after youd nearly driven the whole trip in silence. Your phone had died at the park, so playing music was out of the question.

"Peas talk to me." You stuck your lower lip out at him as you're stopped at a red light.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" He asks, turning back to see your pouty face.

"Ugh." You groan, throwing your head back frustratedly. "You're as bad as Mark!" Jack starts to turn away again to reinitiate his silent treatment.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT I pulled a muscle!" You bellow, needing literally any voice other than your own in the car. Your stupid raido stopped working ages ago and you never felt it necessary to get it fixed seeing as you rarely ever drive anywhere. Jack smiles at you, turning to face you.

"How?" He asks, tersly.

"Parkour.." you respond, wanting him to ask questions.

"Well I knew that, what exactly did you do though?"

"I forgot to stretch, took a leap, and pulled a muscle that I keep hurting." You admit, finally, pulling into the driveway, with a sigh. "Happy now?" He nodds, grinning at his victory. Score four for Jack.

  The two of you grab the equipment out of the car and begin hauling it into Mark's, careful to knock this time. Upon no answer, the two of you enter, finding two different but similar notes taped to the kitchen counter and window.

        Went out with Avery. Wont be back until late. You have the house to yourself for a few hours. Unless (Y/N) drops back in.
  -p.s. took Chica with us, couldn't bear to leave her this time."

       Went out with Avery. Wont be back until late. Thanks for your help today. You're welcome to anything in the fridge as always, or game out with Jack or whatever.
   -p.s. Sorry, I stole Chica."    

  You smile at the note, welcoming the idea of food, but feeling bad that he felt the need to thank you for covering his ass for your presence. She should have just taken his word for it if she loved him.
  You sigh and crumble the note, throwing it away, turning just in time to see Jack struggle to pick up the bulky equipment bags by himself with full hands, so you walk over and help, walking the things to the guest room that has become his semipermanent room. You look around curiously at his recording set up in the corner with a desk, chair, computer, monitor and camcorder, expertly set up for gaming. He places the things down in a corner of the room and you follow his lead, as he kneals down, digging out the cameras and linking them to the computer via cord, rubbing his face exhaustedly.

"Youtuber life eh?" He chuckles, looking up at you before standing and stretching as if hes been stagnant all day.

"Oh you know it, so so exciting." You say, poking the skin that his stretch exposed on his lower stomach. He smirks in response.

"You should hang around. Game with me or something." He says, a smile crawling across his lips.

"Typically, I'd say yes, but I need to make and edit my own video, doll." You say, backing up toward the bedroom door.

"Not a parkour video." Jack says, as if he were cutting off your ability to do so, crossing his arms over his chest authoritatively.

"Um, I planned to yeah." You sass, crossing your arms over your own chest. Who does he think he is?

"Nope. Not on that leg." He says his eyes darting down to your thigh. You huff.

"You're not my mom." You take another step back threateningly.

"No, but I know that the more you abuse yourself, the worse it will hurt, so sit your ass down, sassqueen." He says pointing to the chair at the desk "We'll find another video for you to do."

  Half of you feels like giving him the finger, the other half of you melts at the demand. You still stand in the center of the room weighing your options. Its not like hes wrong. It keeps getting worse the more you work it, its time for a break. But the need for spite is deperately urging you to climb your ass out the window and run through the streets, laughing the whole way.

"I wasnt asking." Jack says. Stepping closer to you, eyeing you up and down as if sizing you up and undressing you all in one. You lift your chin and smile.

"I dont take commands." You say, allowing a smirk to crawl across your lips. Jack's smirk widens as he steps a mere few inches from you. He stands over you, his eyes drilling into yours.

"We can test that. Or, you can be good, and go sit on the god damn chair." He growls slowly, his impatient smile still spread across lips that were breaths from yours. You feel yourself pooling more. You wonder just how far you could push him.

"I dont want to." You whisper tilting your head to the side slightly, allowing your lips to get even closer. Jack shakes his head, an untame and unreadable look in his eyes as he grins from ear to ear.

"Last chance." He warns, reaching one hand to place it under your jaw, looking you deeply in the eye. He thinks he has you.

"Okay." You shrug, your tone suddenly changing from lust to bubbly, walking around him to sit in the chair. "Now what?"

  He stands with his back to you for a few minutes seeming to regain his composure, before chuckling darkly.

"You're cruel." He eyes you in the chair as if you're wearing nothing at all. You grin mischieviously.

"I havent the slightest idea what you're talking about."

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now