You Did It.

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"We can go, all the time
We can move fast, then rewind
When you put your body on mine
And collide, collide.
It could be one of those nights
Where we don't turn off the lights
Wanna see your body on mine
And collide, collide." The lyrics from All Yours flow softly from your phone as it buzzes repeatedly on your bedside table. You squirm over to it sleepily, unplugging it from the charger to hold it up to your ear.

"Hello my blue eyed beauty." You greet Jack on the other end, your voice still sounding sleepy and raspy. You lay your head back on the pillow briefly, feeling the urge to drift back off to wonderland.

"You did it." He says, his voice a mix of disbelief and calm. Your heart leaps into your throat briefly before you swallow it, knowing he's talking about leaving the kiss in the rocket league video. You sit up and throw your legs over the side of the bed.

"Well yeah, you said you wanted me too." You say, keeping your nerves at bay as you begin to get dressed, pinning the phone between your ear and shoulder.

Jack laughs on the other end, but you still cant decide if its humor or disbelief fueling it, allowing your nerves to stir a bit more in your chest. You swallow again.

"Can you come over? Actually, I'll meet you halfway. Be on the rooftop in like ten minutes." He says before hanging up the phone. Your body trembles ever so slightly. Is he mad at you? He doesnt sound mad. But you arent really sure if he's happy about it either... you slip a cropped hoody over your sports bra and quickly hop onto the comments of the video.

'OMG GUYS 10:47 DID YOU GUYS SEE JACK KISS HER? :o' The top comment on the video. Wow. People really dont let anything slide. It had over 400+ responses, more than the video's whole comment section.

-'Yes! Thats so cute he kissed her out of excitement!'
-'NO! I didnt believe it untill I rewatched it nine times. So jealous.'
-'Thats hardly a kiss. You guys freak out over nothing 😒'
-'I knew ittttt'
-'(Y/S/N) is totally cannon now'
-'Wishing that was meeeeee 😣'
-'he didnt actually kiss her i think. Otherwise shed have died from excitement. Or ya know, fangirls staring daggers at her through the screen. Lol'

You smirk at some of the comments and frown at some others. There really are two sides to ever fandom, and you brought it forth rather aggressively. You feel the urge to check your Twitter, but resist as you glance at the clock and realise that the ten minutes are up.

  You snake out of your bedroom window, scaling the wall slightly to haul yourself up onto the roof. Your eyes instantly land on Jack who appears to be focusing intensly on setting up a camcorder on a tripod. You furrow your eyebrows and cautiously approach him, afraid that he might be upset at you for leaving the clip in. Did he ask you up here to record a video that the two of you arent together because of one measely kiss? Or did he ask you up here to aplogise that he has to explain it away? Or is he going to ask you to delete the video entirely? You swallow away the lump in your throat as he turns to see you approaching.

  He beams suddenly, closing the gap between you with a jog, engulfing you in his arms as if he hadnt seen you in years.

"I didnt think you'd actually do it." He mumbles into your hair, seemingly more to himself than you. You cant help but smile a bit against his chest.

"I'm no chicken." You say with a victorious smirk. He pulls away from you, a grin tattooed onto his face.

"You beat me to the punch, but I kinda want to add a video to my channel as well." He says, guesturing at the equippment. You feel your smile fade a bit.

"What kind of video?" You ask, for clarity.

"One where the fans know what we are." Jack says with a sly wink. Your breath hitches lightly but you force it to even itself out. You werent expecting him to have a title on the two of you yet.

"Lame question, but what exactly are we...?" You ask, your voice sounding nervous. Jack raises an eyebrow at you, his face dimming a bit.

"A couple?" He seems to suggest the answer as he reaches out and takes both of your hands. Your eyes lock on your hands, unsure if you could meet his gaze.

"Do you want to wait to tell them?" He asks, bending slightly to try and regain eyecontact. You open your mouth to say something but snap it shut, unsure exactly how he'd take it.

"Go on. You can tell me anything." He encourages, brushing your hair out of your face.

"Can we really be a couple if you have to leave in a year?" Your voice breaks slightly as you ask the question thats been torturing you since the first time you began to fall for him.

  He hesitates a moment before pulling you closer to take your face in both of his hands to kiss your forehead softly.

"Well, if this keeps going as well as it is, maybe I found a reason to stick around." He replies earnestly, brushing the hair out of your eyes.
You begin to shake your head but he gently takes hold of your jaw, tilting your head to make you look deep into his eyes.

"I know, you think I'd be leaving a whole life behind. But in honesty, I really want to stay." He says reassuringly, gently kissing the tip of your nose with a small smile. With that, he obliterated your argument, and you're left staring at one another a moment.

"Maybe you were the change I was really looking for." He says, brushing the hair out of your face. A smile creeps across your lips unexpectedly, causing you to blush.

  He cant really be serious right now, can he? After all the two of you barely know one another. Could he really want to stay here? Or is he only telling you this to settle your nerves? Oh god thats what he's doing isnt he? Hes just trying to settle your nerves so that you wont want to run away. That means theres something to run from... You shake away the thoughts suddenly. No. No you wont let youself be talked out of this now. You cant see a way in which this ends happily, but maybe he sees a different ending. Maybe the ending he sees is beautiful. All you have to do is take that leap, and have the faith that he'll stick around long enough to catch you. You look away for a moment before nodding your head finally.

"Lets give 'em all hell." You say with confidence you dont feel, jutting your chin toward the camera. Jack smiles at you, kissing you softly before walking you a short distance away from the camera, enough that it could see your whole body. He walks over, but hesitates to click it on, his eyes meeting yours for affirmation. You take a deep steadying breath and nod, allowing him to click it on.

  He steps back over to you, not saying a word, instead silently surveying the horizon as if it were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. You follow his lead, sure that he had a plan somewhere along the way. He finally gazes over at you and cracks a smile in the corner of your eye.

  Suddenly your feet are swept from under you as he lifts you bridal style and begins spinning you around playfully. You cant help the laughter that pours from you, tilting your head back and pointing your toes as he continues to spin the two of you in circles.

   You rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes peacefully at the sound of his heart. He stops, now facing the camera, causing you to look up at him. He gazes down at you, his blue eyes flowing with an emotion you recognize but slightly cower away from. You bite your lip nervously, but reach up and rest your hand on his cheek, kissing his lips gently.

   He holds the kiss a moment, before allowing his smile to grow so much that its almost impossible to keep kissing. You smile back and glance back at the camera.

"You think adding in some cheesey love song will get the point across to 'em?" He asks quietly, raising both eyebrows at you. You laugh and gently smack his chest.

  You help him edit the video, adding your own personal spin on it with the rewind, pause, and fast forward effects. Best to give the fans a flavor of the both of you right? After all, this will be the way you decide to tell them. He edits in a few flashzooms, and looks up to you to pick the song as you lean over his shoulder. You smirk to him, leaning down to gently kiss his lips.

"Closer, by The Chainsmokers."

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now