Night Run

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   Mark left about an hour ago, leaving you to edit and upload todays footage. Your stomach squirms familiarly when Jack leans over on your monitor. You watch the expression on your face melt into a million different emotions in the frame of a second. Confusion, humor, bliss, fear all bled into one on your face. You bite your lip, highlight the segment and cut it away from the video but dont have it in you to delete it entirely.

  Mark had helped part of your issue, calming a calmaity in your mind, but the feelings still coursed through your veins, causing relentless restlessness. You know the solution, and you know its worth the pain.

  You spend an hour stretching and rubbing your leg before you allow yourself to even think about getting ready. But now feeling thoroughly loosened up and prepared, you change into a white and black sports bra and a pair of rainbow spackle printed underamor pants, looking yourself over in the body length mirror before reaching into your top drawer, pulling out a few treasures.

   You crack the glowsticks and watch in wonder as the chemicals pool together, creating a neon glow. You smile to yourself as you wrap them around your wrists, neck and ankles, attatching quite a few of them together to create an oversized belt that you loop through the little bow in the front of your pants. You smile at the glowing effect it gave your whole body. God you love neon stuff.

  You climb out of your hall window and cross the roof as if on your way to Mark's, but instead of dropping into the gap here, you leap across it to the next building, making sure your feet are quiet underneath you as you scurry across the roof. 

  Your eyes are set forward on your path: the fire escape steps on the side of the next building. You could easily leap across the gap and grab ahold the railing to haul yourself up it. Setting your plan in motion, you leap, catch yourself, and hoist youself up, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline begin to pump. Hello old friend, you've been missed.

  Carefully steadying yourself to stand on the railing, you look directly up to the next level of steps. Reaching up you take ahold of it firmly, pulling yourself up as if you were back doing pullups in gym class. Once up that far you release with one hand reaching for the vertical bars of the third story railing, catching hold firmly, using that to pull you up enough to lift a foot to the edge and then all the way up, standing on the outter side of the railing on the third story, now facing an open roof.

  You vault the railing, careful not to fall backward, three stories is still a long way down. You backflip off the fire exit door and continue forward. You find yourself at the edge of the building, looking down. You turn your back to the drop, and step off, expertly catching yourself on the edge of the roof, holding your body from impact with the building with your feet against the brick. You look below you to the windowsill just below you and gently shimmy your feet down, resting them on top of it securely before releasing the roof to repeat your actions of stepping off the window sill and catching your fingers on it to the next, untill you reached the ground securely.

  You run through the narrow alley you landed in, into the open light of the street lights, backflipping and corskrewing from any bench or knee high object you could find. A couple walking with their dog watch in amazement as you wall spin around them as they attempt to move over for you on the sidewalk. You turn around, walking backward, to smile at them graciously, shooting them a pair of finger guns before turning to continue on.

  It isnt long before you find yourself in an empty area with not much to do. You suddenly have a nifty idea, quickly finding a darkened corner to execute your idea in. You take off your headband, winking to the gopro before setting on a nearby trashcan. The glowsticks illuminate just enough of your body in the darkness for the camera to pick up on you cork screwing, wall spinning, backflipping, and cartwheeling around like a psycho.

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now