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  You dress in your favorite black sports bra and underarmor pants, looking yourself over ten times before you allow youself to climb out the window. You vow that you wont let the pain in your leg slow you down today, and you vow that you wont let last nights conversation with Jack make things awkward today. But no matter how much you look yourself over in the mirror, you catch yourself blushing slightly at the idea of seeing Jack today.

  You shake the thoughts from your head as you cross the roof, turning your back to the edge, stepping off it, catching the ledge expertly and swinging your feet inward into the threshold of the house, ducking your head to avoid contact with frame.

  The instant you catch your bearings you're met with a rather uncomfortable sight: Mark, on the couch, with a girl. Not naked by any means, but definitely in a heated situation.. In a time like this you definitely wish you used the front door like a normal person. Why would Mark be doing this on the couch anyway??? Jack is home, he knows you were supposed to be coming over, the window is wide open, the door is unlocked, dear god Mark.

  You arent exactly sure the protocal in a scenario such as this: attempt to sneak by unseen and let them have the moment for their sake, or let them know you're there and ruin it for yours? Turns out you dont need to. Mark sits her up into his lap suddenly, and she locks eyes with you, causing a yelp of fear to escape her lips as she pushes Mark back suddenly.

"Who the hell are you???" She asks, scooting away from Mark as you wave awkwardly from the window.

  Mark stands up between the two of you, a deep shade of red. "God I'm so sorry guys, I should have moved this to the bedroom... I knew you were coming over."

"Who is she!?" The girl on the couch growls, jealously lacing every word.

  You hold your hands up in instant surrender. You want no part of any fight.

"My name is (Y/N), I'm Mark's friend, I'm a parkourist, and I'm very very sorry." You say, trying your hardest to sound sincere, despite the mass amounts of humor you find in the situation.

  The woman on the couch looks between you and Mark suspiciously.

"Would you like to explain why there is a half dressed woman leaping through your livingroom window?" She aks, eyeing Mark as if you didnt just give her an explaination.

  You examine yourself once more. You dont exactly see how a pair of underarmore pants and a sports bra is "half dressed." Rude. You cross your arms over your chest, offering yourself a tad more cover for her sake.

"Baby, shes like a little sister, really." Mark says, tossing his head back at you guesturingly, to which you nod agreeingly.

  Jack emerges from the hall just then, catching wind of the tense environment, and suddenly you had an idea on how to remedy the situation.

"There you are, hun," you say, striding over to Jack, sliding an arm around his waist, looking up at him pleading for him to play along. "You ready baby?" You ask, laying your head on his shoulder.
He only smiles and nods, kissing your head. Mark's mouth hangs open from across the room but he quickly snaps it shut and looks at the girl on the couch, lifting a hand guesturingly at you and Jack.

"I forgot to mention the fact that she's dating Jack." Mark says, his eyes darting between the three of you uncomfortably. You cant blame him for the disbelief, he hasn't seen you claim a guy so easily in years, if ever.

"I never caught your name.." you say to the girl on the couch, who suddenly appears very guilty.

"Avery, and, God, I'm sorry (Y/N)." She says, looking between you and Jack with a weak smile. You wave a hand didmissively at the apology, although you felt it was indeed needed, but not to you. Mark would never cheat on anyone, and the fact that she sidways accused him of such was rather infuriating.

A Leap Of Faith. (A JacksepticeyexReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now