Chapter Two

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    I wake up covered in sweat with my heart pounding in my ears. I glance over at the clock on my nightstand and watch as an angry, red five flashes at me. I've been asleep for twenty-one hours. I throw the covers off my body. I stumble my face in the mirror and soon focus in on the water drops sliding down my skin. Flashes of my nightmare rise to the surface of my mind and I quickly grab a towel and dry my face to shake it off. I am emerging out of the bathroom when Emmett walks in.

"You okay?"


Emmett studies me for a minute before coming closer. He pulls me into a hug.

"You would tell me if you weren't, right?" he says.

"I'm fine, Emmett. Just another nightmare."

He pulls away and looks at my face before smiling.

"You look at lot better. Much more normal hybrid girl than walking dead creature from the abyss."

"Walking dead creature from the abyss?"

"I'm just calling it as I saw it."

I walk over to my bed and grab a pillow to throw at him. He catches it with ease and chucks it back at me.

"why are you in here, loser?"

"Because my little bundle of joy, we are going grizzly hunting."

"It is entirely too early to hunt an irritable bear," I say.

"That's what makes it fun."

"Our definitions of fun are clearly different. Now, leave so I can do something other than hunt a very large, very angry bear."

"Come on, Mia. Where's your sense of adventure?" he asks.

"My sense of adventure went and hid under a rock at the word grizzly."

"It's not that bad," Emmett says.

"Says the guy who can easily take down at a two-ton elephant. I, on, the other hand, am suffering from sleep deprivation and have recently suffered a mental break."

"Two things there. One, you are no longer sleep deprived. You slept for twenty-one hours. Two, your mental break was from sleep deprivation."

"Either way my answer is still no."

"Come on! Edward and Jasper won't go and the girls say it's too messy for them. Please, Mia! I promise you I will never beg you for anything else ever again."

I shake my head and sigh, "one grizzly and that's it."

"Yes! Let's go hunt us some angry bear!"

Emmett walks out of my room and I laugh before quickly changing clothes. I slip on my sneakers and follow Emmett out the door and into the sun.

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