Chapter Eight

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    To say that I'm nervous would be the understatement of the century. The air around me feels heavy and makes it harder to breathe. My thoughts are scattered like there's a circuit shorting out somewhere. The only thing that is able to fight its way through the fog is fear. Primal Fear. I twist my fingers to stop my hands from trembling. My gaze never leaving my lap. Every part of me is screaming to run and never look back. To not take the risk that they won't rip me to shreds the second they see me. I've been in Seth's car for ten minutes, sitting outside of Sam and Emily's. I can hear the sound of laughter and plates being set on the table. The delicious aroma alone is enough to make my stomach growl in protest and lures me out of the car. I freeze at the door though, unsure if I should just walk in. I'm about to go back to the car when Emily appears in the doorway.

"Mia? Are you coming in?" she asks.

"Um... I don't think..."

"Come on. I'll make sure the boys behave themselves."

Before I can protest any further, she leads me into the kitchen. The silence that sweeps across the room is stifling. Then chaos irrupts as Sam launches himself at me. I close my eyes and brace for impact, but none comes. I crack an eye open and am shocked to find Emily standing in front of me, her arms spread wide.

"Enough, Sam."

"Out of the way, Emily. I don't want you to get hurt."

"The only way I'm getting hurt is if it's by you. Mia is not going to hurt me."

"She's one of them," he growls.

"She's one of you."

Sam stares down at Emily, silent as she continues.

"It was not her fault and I'm not about to let your arrogance or pride cost us a friend. She lost control, something that I'm sure you know all about."

Sam flinches at Emily's last words, his eyes tracing the scar on her face that he put there. He sighs, his shoulders dropping before he looks at me.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Emily is right."

He hesitates for a moment before sticking out a hand for me to shake. I eye it before grasping it in my own.

"Truce?" he asks.

I nod, "truce."

There is a collective sigh of relief and before I know it Jacob has me in a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm so glad we didn't have to kill you."

"Not as glad as I am," I say.

Paul nudges Jacob out of the way, "move it, Black. You don't get to keep the pretty girl all to yourself Especially not when the real person she wants to see is right here."

He winks at me and I laugh before pulling him into a hug.

"Miss me?" I ask.

"Like you wouldn't believe."

He steps away and I look around noticing that even though Gabriel had walked in, he's not here.

"Where's Gabriel?" I ask.

"The Elders called a meeting with him. I guess they want to go over the terms of your stay and what to do about Asher," Sam says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"It means that the Elders are still being the same blind cowards they always were," Gabriel says walking in.

His hair is tousled like it has been the victim of a few too many hand run-throughs. His shoulders are set as if he is ready to swing at anyone that gets in his way.

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