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Volturi P.O.V.

    "The lycan are waging war on our kind once again and this time there has been a major causality. We cannot pretend that there will not be many that will rush to the aid of the Cullen clan to help them seek revenge for Carlisle's death, "Caius says.

"And we won't. However, we can not forget the unique individual that is also at play, "Aro says.

"You mean the girl? The abomination that is part us, part lycan? You cannot possibly be thinking of allowing this... this creature to live. She will be the downfall of us all," Caius says.

 "Or will she be the one to put vampire back in control again? Perhaps, it is time to pay a visit to the American vampires. What say you, Marcus?"

Marcus waves his hand nonchalantly, "I care not. But I do hope you know what you are doing Aro."
"Trust me. The time will come for us to step in and look like the heroes our kind reveres us to be. However, for now, let us simply go and observe. If anything, it will be rather interesting to see what the girl is capable of. With the right coaxing, we could get her to join our side and if not then we kill her. Agreed?" Aro says.


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