Chapter Twenty

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    Time trickles by slowly, each tick of the clock of a reminder of how much less time I have to sleep. Insomnia has spent a lot of time haunting me. Where there should be dreams, there is only the blackness of my eyelids. I lie as if asleep until pain shoots up my side, forcing me to shift to my back. I suspect that it is closer to dawn then I would like to be, but I refuse to look at the clock. Looking at the clock and seeing those angry red numbers staring back at me will only make my insomnia worse. Daylight breaks through the cracks of my blind and I groan in frustration before tossing the covers off. Resolving myself to a day of fatigue, I head to the shower to attempt to wash away some of the grogginess. Staring in the mirror, it is easy to see the dark circles under my eyes. It's easy to see how much Asher has plagued my thoughts with his own dark, twisted musings. I wash my face before dressing in a pair of rolled cuff jeans, a grey tee shirt, and a matching flannel shirt. I finish the look by slipping on a pair of my favourite ankle boots. Feeling as ready as I can be, I head downstairs for a much-needed cup of coffee. I find the dining room enveloped in tense silence as Sam paces the floor. Quil and Jacob are staring at him, both of their shoulders tense.

"Are you sure it was Asher?" Sam asks.

I freeze, Asher's name sending an involuntary shiver down my spine. Grabbing my coffee, I take a seat next to Jacob.

"Without a doubt. I have the guy's scent ingrained in my nose," Jacob says.

"Same here, but his trail is not all we found," Quil says.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks.

Jacob and Quil share a look before Quil clears his throat.

"There was a...there was a body, Sam. A girl. She looked about our age and she was completely drained of blood," Quil says.

Sam's face flashes a million different emotions before settling on rage. Anger rolls off of him in thick waves as he slams his fist into the nearest wall.

"Damn it!"

Jacob, Quil, and I flinch.

"Sam, what do you want us to do?" Jacob asks.

Sam runs his hand over his short hair, shaking his head. He takes a deep breath, clenching and unclenching his fist. It takes a minute before he is able to address Jacob and Quil.

"Call the others. This psycho has crossed our borders for the last damn time. He is going to regret ever messing with us. Mia..."

I pull my coffee cup away from my lips, my gaze meeting Sam's.

"Head to the Cullen's. I want you to get out from under this guy as soon as possible."

I nod, "I'll head over there now."

I'm almost halfway out the door before Sam stops me, a hand on my shoulder.

"Be safe out there, Mia."

"I will, you guys be safe out there too."

Sam gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze before turning back towards the boys. I nod at Jacob and Quil who smile at me reassuringly. Taking one last look at them, I climb into my car and take off to the Cullen's. Along the way, Seth calls me to tell me that the pack has picked up on Asher's trail again and are heading out. I make him promise that he'll come back in one piece before pulling up to the Cullen's house. Jasper is waiting out on the front steps, his face a mask of calm.

"You ready for this?" he asks.

"As I'll ever be. What about you? You staying this time too?"

He nods, "I will. However, I don't think either one of us is as ready as we wish to be for what is about to happen."

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