Chapter Seven

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    There is nothing like watching Emmett, Jasper, and Edward's faces go from steely to admiration as Gabriel gets off of his motorcycle. Shaking my head, I cough loudly as they all turn to look at me.

"You guys are drooling."

Rosalie and Alice laugh and Edward shoots me a look.

"We are not drooling," he says.

"Yeah. We are just admiring a glorious piece of machinery, " Jasper says.

"Yes, he is a glorious piece of machinery," Rosalie says.

Her eyes run up and down Gabriel's body and Alice nods in agreement.

"That he is, sister. That he is."

Rosalie sighs, "if he wasn't a wolf..."

Emmett growls, "don't even finish that sentence."

Rosalie laughs and shakes her head before going to kiss Emmett on the cheek. Gabriel walks up the front steps and shakes Carlisle's hand before placing a kiss on Esme's cheek.

"Gabriel, this is the rest of my family. Edward, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett."

Gabriel shakes hands with the boys and kisses Alice and Rosalie on the cheek. Turning to face me, his eyes light up in relief.

"I never thought I would see the day where you would use your manners," I laugh.

The relief changes into amusement as he pulls me into a hug.

"Just cause you haven't seen them doesn't mean that they aren't there," he laughs.

He pulls away, his hands on my shoulders. "How are you feeling, little wolf?"

"I've been better."

He nods in understanding and Esme gestures towards the living room.

"Please, let's all have a seat while I go and make some refreshments. Mr. Wolfe, can I offer you anything?"

"Gabriel is fine and coffee if it's not too much trouble, doll."

Esme nods while Rosalie swoons a little before we all take our seats.

"So, how bad is it?" I ask.

Gabriel sighs before running his hand over the stubble growing on his chin.

"You all know the doctor and I were able to talk about the pack down from attacking. That being said, though... things aren't good right now. The Elders think that Mia should face punishment for what she did. The punishment was death or excommunication depending on whether or not you came quietly. However, I have managed to convince them that it was an accident and that the only reason you attacked the pack was because of the Asher situation they didn't handle years ago."

"The Elders know about Asher?"

Esme comes back with some refreshments for Gabriel and me. She hands Gabriel his coffee and he nods his head in thanks before taking a sip.

"The Elders have always known about Asher. They knew about him when he first broke away from the pack. They banished him from the reservation and assumed that he wouldn't be brave enough to come back. I guess they didn't count on the crazy outweighing the discipline."


"So, they have agreed to let you live and will not banish you on one condition."

"And what condition is that?" Edward asks.

"She has to come back to the reserve and be on 24/7 watch. They want her where they can keep an eye on her. She'll be under the watchful eye of Sam Uley and crew."

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