Chapter Nineteen

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    After a delicious meal, we all head back to the beach to start the bonfire. Sam lights the wood and we all grab seats on the surrounding logs. Seth takes a seat to my right while Quil grabs a seat to my left, Sam tosses a few more pieces of wood into the fire before taking a seat next to Emily.

"Anyone got any scary stories they want to share?" Quil asks.

"You mean besides the story of how your dad convinced your mom to sleep with him and create you?" Paul laughs.

Quil throws a rock at Paul, who catches it before tossing it over his shoulder.

"Don't get your ass kicked, Paul," Quil says.

"Bring it, Quil."

Quil stands up, "alright. You asked for it though."

Quil takes a running tackle at Paul who falls backwards off the log after Quil hits him. Quil puts one foot on the log and flexes his muscles.

"And that's how it's done," he laughs.

We all laugh as Paul looks up at Quil from his spot on the ground. He shakes his head before standing up and dusting himself off.

"Just wait. You'll get what's coming to you," he says.

"Sure I will, Pauly boy. Sure I will."

They sit back down and once we all settle, Jacob looks over at Sam.

"How about the Quileute werewolf origin story? I don't think Mia has heard that one."

I shake my head, "I haven't."

Sam shakes his head, "it really is astonishing how in the dark you are about your own people."

I shrug, "my family is complicated."

Seth rolls his eyes, "you can say that again."

Sam clears his throat, "alright. Origin story it is, so Mia can at least know how we and she started."

"This is going to be good," Embry says.

"Embry, you already know the story," Seth says.

"So, that means I can't get excited to hear it again? Now, shut up. Sam is starting."

Sam leans forward a little and we all follow suit.

"Legend says that there was once a great spirit warrior called Utlapa. Corrupted by the power that flowed through his veins, he wanted to enslave the neighbouring tribes of the Hohs and Makahs. Unwilling to use the spirit warriors' powers for such a purpose, Utlapa's chief Taha Aki banished him from the tribe. However, Utlapa only became further corrupted and enraged. One day, while Taha Aki was in the spirit world searching for anything that would pose a threat to his tribe, Utlapa possessed his body. He then cut his own body's throat to prevent Taha Aki from returning from the spirit world. Thus, banishing Taha Aki to spend the rest of this days in the spirit world and forcing him to watch as Utlapa did horrible things to his people. One day while Taha Aki was wandering the spirit world he encountered a large, beautiful wolf. An idea soon formed, and he asked the wolf to share his body with him. The wolf agreed. Once again provided with a physical form, Taha Aki rushed to the village and when he encountered a party of warriors, he began yelping Quileute songs. One of the warriors, an elderly man by the name of Yut realized that the wolf was under a spirit's control. Yut then disobeyed Utlapa's orders to not enter the spirit world and left his body to talk to the beast. Utlapa, fearing that his treachery would be discovered, killed Yut. Taha Aki became enraged and lunged to kill Utlapa. However, his emotions were too much for the wolf and it transformed into the magnificent flesh of Taha Aki's spirit. Utlapa was soon killed and Taha Aki set things right once again with the tribe. From then on, descendants of Taha Aki take the form of a wolf when confronted with the scent of someone or something they feel threatens their tribe."

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