Chapter Thirteen

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    It takes me almost an hour to get to the airport. It takes my father less than fifteen seconds to make me feel insignificant. The second he spots me behind the wheel of my car he freezes and sighs. 

"Who did you steal this from?" he asks.

"Wow! It's nice to know that you think so highly of me," I say.

"Just tell me who I have to pay off so they don't press charges against you."

"No one. For your information, this car was a gift from two people who don't find me to be a crushing disappointment."

"Do they know you're lying to them, whoever they are?" he asks.

I shake my head in disbelief. I want to act like I'm surprised that he expects the worse from me and of me, but I'm not.

"Just get in the car, dad."

Choosing to ignore my tone at the word dad, he loads his bags into the trunk. Before we even pull out of the pick-up zone, his phone is pressed to his ear. Rattling off instructions to whoever is on the other side, he glances my way every few seconds. He hangs up the phone with a slight huff before slipping it back into his jacket pocket.

"Trouble in paradise?" I ask.

"Nothing that Nancy can't handle while I'm away."

"Oh, right. How is the soon to be homewrecking whore?" I ask.

"I do believe we discussed you not calling Nancy names."

"It's not a name, it's a description of what she is or rather what she'll become."

"Then I would appreciate it if you didn't describe my secretary in a bad manner."

"Well, at least you would appreciate something I was doing."

I don't get a response just the sigh that means I've disappointed him yet again. 

"And there it is," I say.


"The great sigh of disappointment. I was wondering how long it would take for you to sigh at me like that. What's it been like ten minutes since I picked you up?"

"That wasn't a sigh of disappointment."

"Oh, really. Then what would you call it? Because you only do it when I've disappointed you and I would know because I've been hearing the sound of my whole life."

He's silent and I glance over at him in shock. Have I just rendered the great Hunter Wolfe speechless?

"Where are we going?" he asks, changing the subject.

"To Grandma Rose because in case you forgot, La Push doesn't have any hotels."

"Did she buy you this car?" he asks.

"Not that it is any of your business but no, she did not buy me this car."

"Then who did?"

"Dr. Cullen."

"Dr. Cullen as in Carlisle Cullen?"


"And how pray tell do you know Carlisle Cullen? And why did he buy a car?"

"You know as much as I would love to answer your questions, I don't think I'm going to because we're here, " I say, gesturing to Rose's house.

I turn off the car and get out without giving him a backwards glance. I only stop when I reach the front door and realize that he's not behind me. Backtracking, I find him still sitting in the car.

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