Chapter Four

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 I struggle back to my feet, one hand resting over my heart. I can see the house looming in the distance. Dark shadows begin to blur my vision as I put on a burst of speed before crashing into the open glass doors. I fight to stay conscious long enough to get to Carlisle. All my strength leaves my body as I step into his office. Before I can hit the floor, Carlisle is there sitting me on the couch. I try to stand again but Carlisle keeps a hand on my shoulder.

"Take it easy. What's going on?" he asks.

"Wolves...attack...woods...," I force out.

Carlise stands up and Esme appears in the doorway.

"What's going on?" she asks.

"It seems as if the wolves wish for Mia to answer for the attack," Carlisle says.

"Surely they know that it was not something she could control."

Carlise shakes his head, "I'm afraid that doesn't matter to them. She attacked the pack and therefore is a threat to the reservation. One that they believe must be dealt with."

"So, what are you going to do?" Esme asks.

"I'm going to take Rosalie and Alice and try to talk them down. I also think it would be best if we gave Gabriel a call. Having him on our side of things won't hurt."

Esme nods before pulling out a phone and leaving the room.

"Jasper!" Carlisle calls.

Jasper appears in the doorway a second later. As he approaches, the tension around me loosens up and I feel calmer.

"Yes, Carlisle."

"I need you to stay here with Mia. The wolves are out there and from the sounds of it, they will do whatever it takes to get to her. I don't know if they have someone waiting for us to leave the house to make their next move, but I will not take the risk."

"Carlisle, I want to help," I protest.

I try to get to my feet but my legs give out from under me and Jasper has to catch me.

"I know, but right now it is too dangerous. I promised Gabriel that you would be safe in my care and I have every intention of keeping that promise."


"Please, Mia."

I sigh and nod.

Carlisle manages a small smile before silently taking off into the forest with Alice and Rosalie close behind. Jasper follows them out the door, stopping when he reaches the front steps. Somehow, I summon the strength to follow him out.

"Can you feel anything?" I ask.

"Anger, mostly. There's a mix of other emotions too, but I can't make them out."

I groan and shake my head, "this isn't right. I should be out there. I'm the one they want."

"Your presence would only make things harder. Carlisle is protecting you and they know it. It's one thing to go against Edward and Emmett, it's another to go against Carlisle. They think he is the leader and he's protecting you. So, an attack on you is an attack on Carlisle and no matter how angry they are, they won't risk that."

"Why not?"

"If they attack you then the assumption is that we will fight to get you back which means vampires crossing the treaty line. They may want you, but they won't risk the rest of the reservation just to get you," Jasper says.


"So, you have nothing to worry about. You've forgotten that we've dealt with the wolves before. Carlisle..."

Jasper freezes, his head cocked to the side and his eyes scanning the tree line.

"Get inside."

His body is tense, ready to spring into action at any second.

"What? Why?"

He doesn't say anything as he moves to stand in front of me. His eyes never leave the tree line as he slowly walks me back into the house.

"No matter what happens, stay inside."


"Stay here."

He walks back outside before closing the door and nodding at me to lock it. Against my better judgment, I turn the lock. Taking a step back, I wait for something to happen. For anything to happen. In a blur of motion so fast that I barely see it, Jasper has a sandy colored wolf pinned to the ground. The wolf struggles to break free as it locks eyes with me. I gasp before unlocking the door and pulling it open.

"Jasper! Jasper, stop!"

"Mia, get back inside!"

"No, he's not dangerous. He's...It's Seth!"

Jasper looks down at the wolf and then back at me.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

I nod and Jasper releases his grip on the wolf. The wolf disappears into the trees for a second before returning as Seth. The stubble across his lower jaw makes it look like he hasn't gone home in days and maybe he hasn't. He looks the same as I remember though and we take a minute to take each other in. He moves as if he is going to take a step towards me but stops himself. He runs a hand through his hair like he has to give his hands something to do other than reach out for me. He looks me over one last time before a growl leaves his lips. Suddenly, I am in his embrace and his lips are on mine. The world falls away as he kisses me. His kiss is slow and soft like he is trying to say all the things he never got to say. His hand rests below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek. He pulls away, his brown eye bright with love.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," he whispers.

He inhales, drinking in the smell of my coconut shampoo.

"How much I've missed your smile, your laugh, your smell, your...your everything. I am never letting you go again," he says, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I look up at him, unable to stop the tears from sliding down my face. He brushes a thumb over my cheek to wipe them away.

"Hey, none of that."

"Seth, I'm...I...I..."

Reality crashes into me and I take a step away from him.

"I can't. We can't...I almost killed you and you want to act like everything is okay. This can't happen. We can't happen. What if I hurt you again? I'm not strong enough for that. Getting over you is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I can't risk hurting you again, not after what happened the first time."

It feels like we spend an eternity in silence before Seth takes a step towards me. He wraps his arms around me.

"I'm not giving up on us, Mia. I know you need time to come to terms with what happened, so I'm willing to wait. I'm in love with you. There is no one else out there for me. You're my forever, my one and only. So, take as much time as you need because...gorgeous, I have every intention of spending the rest of my life with you. I know you're scared that you will hurt me again, but that's a risk I'm willing to take if it means I get to be with you. I know that may sound selfish, but I don't care. I will be as selfish as I want when it comes to you because we belong together. This is it, Mia. You and me. That's' the end game and I promise you I will wait as long as it takes."

I wipe the tears from my eyes and sniffle.

"We can go as fast or as slow as you want."

I nod and pull Seth down for another kiss. The smile that breaks out over his face is one of the biggest I've seen in a while.

"I love you," he says.

"I know."

He pulls away, pressing another kiss to my forehead and tossing an arm over my shoulder before turning towards Jasper.

"So, you guys got any food in that massive house of yours?"

Jasper manages a small smile while I laugh and lead Seth inside to the kitchen.

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