Chapter Five

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When Seth asked for food, I had no idea that he meant half the kitchen. Jasper and I watch in awe as he devours his sixth plate of eggs.

"Where do you store it all?" Jasper asks.

"I have a high metabolism. It comes with being a wolf," Seth says with a shrug.

"You would think that I would be used to seeing you eat so much food, but this is still astonishing," I say.

Seth shoots me a smile, "what can I say? I like food."

I shake my head at him before looking out the window.

"Shouldn't we have heard something by now?" I ask.

It's been five hours since Carlisle and the others had gone to confront the wolves. Five hours and we haven't heard anything from anyone. The only information we got was from Seth and he couldn't tell us much. Jasper looks out the window, frowning.

"Perhaps they are working it out," he says.

Seth scoffs before pushing his now empty plate away.

"The Elders are a lot of things, but patient isn't one of them. If they told Sam that they want Mia, then they want Mia, then they expect him to bring her to them."

"What will happen if Sam goes back to the reservation without me?" I ask.

Seth shrugs, "I have no idea. No alpha has never really gone against the Elders' orders before. Whatever the punishment is, I can tell you that it isn't good."

Jasper and I lock eyes across the table, exchanging a silent look. We both know what the other is thinking and Jasper is the one to voice the question.

"So, what happens now that you have presumably gone against your pack and by association your Elders?" he asks.

Seth's gaze turns to the table in front of him.

"Seth, what happens to you?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter."


"Mia, it doesn't matter."

"What happens to a wolf that isn't an alpha that goes against the pack and the Elders?"

Seth sighs before running his hand through his hair and looking over at me.

"This doesn't change anything. I would do it again in a heartbeat."


He sighs again, "I...I end up like Asher."

"What? Crazy psycho stalker?" Jasper asks.

Seth shakes his head, "No. I mean I get excommunicated from the pack. I get marked as a rouge and I'm never allowed to step foot on the reservation again."

I stand up in disbelief, "No. Seth, you have to go back. You have to tell them that you were trying to convince me to come back with you. You have to..."

Seth stands up, his hands immediately coming up to cup my face.

"I'm not going back, Mia."

"But your family..."

"I'm not going back. I love you and I'm not just going to stand by and let them hurt you. Even if it means I have to give up everything."

"But Seth..."

He places a gentle kiss on my lips before pulling me into his embrace.

"I don't care what I lose as long as it's not you."

I squeeze Seth tightly, holding back my tears. Because of me, he is willing to lose everything. He's willing to turn against his pack and his family for me. It kills me to even think that because of me he may never see his sister or his mom again. They already lost a father and a husband, can I stand to be the reason she loses her son? I pull away from Seth and this last thought and he smiles at me.

"I've got to get back out there and see what's going on," he says.

I nod and he presses a kiss to my forehead before walking over to Jasper. Jasper tenses up, unsure of what Seth is going to do. His shoulders relax as Seth sticks out his hand.

"Thank you for keeping her safe," Seth says.

Jasper grasps Seth's hand and gives it a firm shake.


Seth shoots me one last smile before taking off into the woods. I watch from the window before heading out behind him.

"What do you feel?" I ask Jasper.

"Anger. It's not as strong but it's still there."

I nod and Jasper and I resume our spots on the porch, waiting for our family to come home.

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