Chapter Fourteen

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    When I come to, Asher is nowhere to be seen. My head is pounding and I can still taste the blood from Asher's memory. Groaning, I look at the clock on the dash. It's midnight, which means I've been unconscious for at least two hours. Flashes of Asher's memories rise to the surface and I have to fight to keep from upheaving the contents of my stomach. Pushing open my door, I all but collapse to the ground. The fight with my stomach is a lost cause as the contents of my stomach makes an appearance on the ground in front of me. Wiping my face, I groan before leaning against my car with my head between my legs. I take a few more deep breaths before forcing myself to get up and answer my phone that has been buzzing in the passenger seat for the past couple of minutes. Quickly grabbing my phone, I return to my spot on the ground before hitting answer.

"Hello?" I groan.

"Mia?" Edward asks.


"Where are you..."

He is cut off by the rest of my stomach contents deciding to make its appearance. I wipe my mouth again and put the phone back to my ear.

"You were saying?"

"Stay where you are. Jasper and I are on our way."

There's a click as he hangs up the phone and I toss my phone back into the car, not caring where it lands. I just want the world to stop spinning for a second. It's only a few minutes before I hear the sound of two car doors slamming shut. I shakily get to my feet as Edward and Jasper make their way over to me. Jasper grabs me before I can fall again.

"What happened?" he asks.

"Asher. He..."

I take a deep breath through my nose to stop the third round of vomit.

"He just appeared out of nowhere like a freaking ghost and did some crazy shit. The next thing I know I'm waking up with memories that aren't mine, the taste of blood in my mouth, and the incredible urge to vomit my entire stomach."

Edward and Jasper share a lock before I know it, I'm being passed to Edward. He sticks me in the passenger seat of his car before closing the door and heading to the driver's seat.

"What about my car?" I ask.

"Jasper will get it. He's taking a look around and contacting the wolves. Is there anything else you can remember?" Edward asks as we pull away.

"Yeah. He was a wolf," I say.


"Asher was a wolf and I don't mean like the kind in the pack. I mean like a behemoth of a monster. And where are we going?" I ask suddenly noticing that we were not on our way to his house.

"Sam called while you were out. The Elders want you back on the reservation for tonight. I already texted Sam and he is sending someone to pick you up at the border since Seth is on border patrol."

"Okay. Any word from Carlisle and Emmett?"

"They're still looking. Apparently, this guy is harder to find than they thought. They believe they are on the right track though and should find him in the next few days."

He glances at me and before I know it there's a body of water in my lap.

"What's this for?" I ask.

"You look like you could use it. Plus, I'm pretty sure half of your fluids were on the ground back there," Edward says.

I nod in thanks before removing the cap and downing half the bottle.

"You know you really shouldn't have done that," Edward says.


Edward pulls over and I have to all but throw myself out of the passenger seat to make sure I don't vomit in Edward's car.

"That's why."

"What the hell?" I ask, wiping my face.

"I did try to warn you."

"How about next time you warm me before I chug water like a frat boy chugging a beer?"

"I'll remember that for next time," Edward laughs.

"Not funny. I'm pretty sure I just threw up half of my body weight," I say.

Edward laughs and shakes his head, "need some help getting back in?"

I wave him off, "no. I got it."

I get into the car and by the time we get to the border, it's almost one a.m. Paul is waiting for me when we pull up. Edward and I both get out.

"Hey gorgeous," Paul smiles at me, pulling me into a hug.

He releases me and nods at Edward who nods in return. I roll my eyes before turning back to Edward.

"Thanks for the lift and tell Jasper to take the car back to you guy's place. I don't want it getting messed up,"I say.

"Already done," Edward says, hugging me.

I pull away from him and he looks over at Paul.

"Keep an eye on her, she's been throwing up all night," he says.

"We will."

Edward nods again before shooting me a wink and getting back into his car. Once he's gone Paul throws an arm over my shoulder.

"Let's get you back to Sam's, gorgeous."

We head to Sam's as my stomach finally feels like it has stopped turning.

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