Chapter Twenty-Four

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    Esme's scream of agony fills the air as she hits her knees.

"Carlisle?" Alice whispers.

We all stand still, frozen in shock and grief as we stare down at the head of our leader surrounded by the broken glass from the window. Pure, animalistic rage burns through my veins like a fire, white hot. Without thinking, I run to the door and crash through it into the outside world. Edward, Emmett, Jasper, and Kai are not far behind me as we head towards the growls that vibrate through the air. As I open my mind, Seth immediately reaches out to me.


"You killed him."

"Mia, what are you talking about?"

"He wanted nothing but peace between us and you slaughtered him like the wild animals you are."

"Mia, we didn't..."

We reach a clearing, the Cullens and I on one side and the pack on the other.

"I gave you a chance. I asked you to hear me out. To stand down or be put down. Instead, you killed an innocent man. A man who wanted nothing but to harbour peace once again between his people and yours. You want to go to war. Then let's go to war..."

    His eyes flash as he takes in his old friend from across the room. It has been a long time since the two of them had faced each other like this.

"Gabriel, old friend. Enjoy the show?"

"Enough, Asher. You've gone too far. You have threatened my family and my pack for the last time. I should have put you down a long time ago. This ends now."

He laughs. For so long he had wondered when he would see the once great and powerful alpha Gabriel Wolfe in action. He remembers the raw power that Gabriel had, remembers watching him in awe as he ripped a rogue vampire to pieces.

"You could join me, old friend. Take down the Elders, start a new pack, a better pack. You, me, and Mia. We would be unstoppable."


He sighs, the sound deep and almost sorrowful. He steadies himself the upcoming battle.

"So be it, old friend. So be it."

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