Chapter Seventeen

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    "Rose is now my new favourite person," Emily says.

I laugh, "she figured you could use a break from feeding all the guys."

"She figured right. The boys are eating me out of house and home."

Seth and I had gotten back to Sam's in time to stop Emily before she started cooking her usual gigantic breakfast for the guys. Seth had decided to meet the guys on their perimeter run, so I opted to stay with Emily to help her reheat some of the food.

"I can't imagine what it takes to feed all of them," I say.

Emily shakes her head, "it's not so bad. I just feel like I'm cooking all the time. I'm pretty sure I've fallen asleep with a spatula in my hand more than once."

I laugh as all the boys except for Sam walk in the door, fresh from their patrol. 

"If it isn't our favourite hybrid, " Jacob says.

I arch an eyebrow up at him, "I'm the only hybrid you know."

Jacob rolls his eyes, "just take the compliment."

I'm about to reply when I'm lifted into the air from behind.

"How's it going beautiful?" Paul asks.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Better, now that my favourite girl is here."

He winks at me and Seth shoots him a look. Paul laughs before throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Relax Sethy boy. I'm not putting the moves on your girl. She's like a little sister to me."

Paul bends down to whisper in my ear, keeping one eye on Seth.

"He gets so jealous for us, doesn't he?"

I stifle my laughter as Seth rolls his eyes.

"I'm not jealous."

"Oh, yeah? Then what would you call it?" Paul laughs.

"Perhaps he prefers the other name. You know? The green-eyed monster," I laugh. 

"Really, Mia? Betrayed by my own girlfriend? That hurts."

I laugh again before going to kiss Seth on the cheek. Paul shakes his head, laughing before taking a seat at the table and gesturing to all the plates of food.

"What's all this?" he asks.

"A gift from Rose. She made breakfast for Seth, Gabriel, and I sent the leftovers to you guys."'

"Did I just hear that correctly? You said these leftovers are from Rose?" Quil asks.


Quil, Embry, Jacob, and Paul immediately grab giant plates of food. Sam walks in right as everyone has settled down in their seats.

"What's all this?" he asks.

"A gift from Rose," Emily says.

He nods before kissing Emily all over her face. She laughs before pushing him off.

"Enough. Get something to eat."

He pulls her in for one last kiss before fixing his plate. Embry swallows before speaking to him.

"Where did you disappear to? We lost you about halfway through the patrol."

"Meeting with the Elders. I'm trying to convince them that Asher is a real threat," Sam says.

"And how's that coming?" Jacob asks.

"I thought it was going well until Henry Waters did the same bullshit he pulled on Gabriel on me," Sam says.

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