Chapter Twenty-Two

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    I growl in frustration as Gabriel's phone sends me to voicemail again.

"He's not answering me. What if he already knows and is out there hunting Carlisle?" I ask.

Edward glances my way before focusing back on the road.

"Keep trying. We can't assume that he knows anything yet. Even if he does, he will be more willing to hear you out than the pack was."

I nod and try dialling Gabriel's number again as Edward has to swerve out of the way of the giant wolf that has burst from the tree line. 

"Shit!" Edward says.

My phone hits the floor as Edward quickly puts the car in reverse.

"Mia, Edward, it's me," Gabriel says.

We heave a collective sigh of relief as Edward puts the car in park. Gabriel disappears back into the trees before coming back out in human form.

"What the hell happened? The Elders have called a war council," Gabriel says.

"The pack thinks that Carlisle killed Sam," Edward says.

Gabriel freezes his eyes wide as he looks over at me and I slowly nod. Gabriel's face displays a range of emotions before settling on disbelief.

"Sam is dead?" he asks the question slowly as if he is not ready for the answer.


Gabriel is silent, he runs his hands through his hair.

"Was it Asher?" he asks.

His gaze is on me as flashbacks of Asher killing Sam start flashing before my eyes. I don't have to say anything as Gabriel pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay, Little Wolf. We'll fix this. We'll stop Asher."

He looks over at Edward, "where is Carlisle now?"

"Leading the pack away so that we can all get to safety. He's got Jasper and Kai with him. We're on our way to find Emmett and Rosalie," Edward says.

Gabriel pulls away from me, "get to your friends and get to safety. I'll handle the rest."

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

When Gabriel looks at me his steely grey eyes hold a fire I have never seen before, "whatever it takes to keep you safe."

He nods at us before taking off into the woods as Edward and I get back into the car. We continue our journey up the mountain until we pull up in front of a cabin. Emmett's jeep is parked out front, but he and Rosalie are nowhere to be seen.

"Are they here?" I ask.

Edward cocks his head like he's trying to focus on their thoughts. He nods in satisfaction once he hears them.

"Yes, but I don't think that our pack friends are far behind. We need to hurry if we're going to get out of here safely."

I nod, and we get out of the car and quickly head to the door. Edward knocks before opening the door.

"What is it with you guys and opening the door after you knock? It defeats the purpose of the knock if you are just going to open the door anyway," I say.

Edward looks over at me, "is now really a good time to get into this?"

"Good point. Emmett! Rosalie!"

They come from upstairs, Emmett slipping a shirt back on while Rosalie fixes her hair.

"We thought we heard your voices. What are you guys doing here?" Emmett asks.

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