Preyed: Q&A

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Author's Note: What's up, guys? So, I am back from Atlanta and I had so much fun! Anyway, I came back to an insane amount of questions from you guys and everyone else that has also read the story on other websites. Since I got so many questions though I wasn't able to do the same kind of thing I did for Hunted, it would just take too much time. However, I did answer all the questions that I received. I loved a lot of the questions I got and it was great to let you guys in on a little bit of the thought process behind Preyed and Hunted. Also, super big shoutout to everyone for being amazing supporters and leaving reviews. I do read all the reviews and they really help me to know where you guys are at and if I need to edit something because it didn't make sense or whatever. Anyway, thanks for everything and here's the Q&A...

{Preyed Q&A}

1. Will there be a third story?

Yes, I plan on writing a third.

2. What is/was the outcome between Asher and Gabriel's last meeting? Did they fight? Who was defeated?

They did fight. As for the outcome? If there is going to be a third, then I probably shouldn't talk about the results of the fight.

3. How is the fight going to impact the war that was declared by Mia?

It depends on the outcome of the fight. The story could go a million different directions depending on who wins.

4. If Gabriel survived will he be in time to stop the war?

Probably not, since it has kind of already started.

5. If Asher defeats Gabriel, what will he do next? Kill the Elders? Kidnap Mia? Kill the Volturi?

Honestly? I have no clue. I kind of write Asher's part as it comes, meaning that I don't plan Asher's part ahead of time. He's crazy so it's safe to assume that his next move is going to be crazy.

6. Will Seth be able to convince Mia that the wolves did not kill Carlisle?

That would be the dream.

7. Will Mia be able to convince the wolves that Carlisle did not kill Sam?

I don't know at this current point and time.

8. Did Mia imprint on Seth? How will the war affect Mia and Seth's relationship?

Yes. Maybe? Things are different for them since they're both wolves. I can say though that their relationship won't be the same after everything is said and done.

9. Did you ever think about putting Mia with someone else or was Seth always the first choice?

Seth was always the first choice for Mia, although I briefly thought about putting her with someone else. I'm not going to say who, but he is another member of the pack and I think you all know who I'm talking about.

10. Will we see the other wolves imprint at some point?

Maybe. I'm kind of blurry on the timeline of events so...maybe.

11. Is there going to be a war? Or did someone else stop it?

Unfortunately, there is definitely going to be a battle of some sort. Whether or not it will lead to war has yet to be decided.

12. Who will survive? What is the outcome?

I can't answer this. Telling you guys that would defeat the whole purpose of the next book.

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