Chapter Twenty-One

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    He watches at eh wolves gather around their fallen leader. He revels in their agony, in her agony. Making her watch as he sank his teeth into his friend's neck and ripped the life from him gave him more satisfaction than he had thought possible. He had to show her that there was no one that could protect her from him. She had counted on her beloved pack leader protecting her, keeping her safe from him... he had shown her how fast he could rip it all away from him. He wasn't done yet. There were still others she depended on. Others that would keep her from him, that were fighting against him. They would be next, like the pack and their leader, they too would fall.

    My eyes fly open as pure agony drives me to my knees. The desolation I feel is all consuming. There is nothing left but a void that envelopes me in a tsunami of pain and darkness. Sam. My friend, my leader... was gone. Where Sam's voice usually is, there is nothing but silence. He's gone, leaving behind an emptiness in my head unlike any other. The sound of glass shattering echoes throughout the room shocking Jasper and Kai back to life. Carlisle's voice calls out to us as Kai kneels in front of me, his gaze soft.

"Mia,  Mio amore. You must get up."

I have no response. A part of me knows that I need to move, yet the pain keeps me in place like an anchor weighing down a ship. Kai gently takes my hand and pulls me up, leading me into the other room. The living room is covered in shards of glass from one of the large front windows. Lying in the center of it all are Esme and Alice, both shocked by unharmed. An earth-shattering roar rocks the room as we turn to the empty space between us and the outside world. With teeth bared and haunches raised, Paul, Quil, Embry, Jacob, and Seth stand before us.

"What is the meaning of this?" Carlisle asks, stepping outside.

The wolves don't respond, only moving closer to the house.

"Answer me!" Carlisle exclaims.

Edward appears as if by magic, his hand on Carlisle's shoulder to stop him from moving any closer.

"I came as soon as I heard their thoughts. Their leader, Sam is dead and they claim you killed him. Your scent is all over the body. They are calling for your head," Edward says.

Carlisle looks at Edward with wide eyes before turning to face the pack.

"I assure you that I did not kill your leader. I have not left my home all afternoon."

It is silent for a moment as Edward waits for a response.

"They do not believe you."

Carlisle holds up his hand, palms up.

"I promise you that I have committed no crime against your pack or your leader. I hold our treaty in high regard and would do nothing to risk it."

The wolves only growl in response and move closer. Kai gently touches my shoulder, his voice low.

"Mia, you must tell them the truth. They will not listen to Carlisle for he is a vampire. They will listen to one of their own, tell them."

"I can't...I can't tell them what I saw. What Asher did," I whisper.

"You have to Mio amore or else risk the lives of everyone here."

Solemnly I step to Carlisle's side. The wolves are still baring their teeth and I wince as I open my mind to theirs. A million thoughts come roaring at me at once and I hold out a hand to silence them, praying that they will listen to me.

"Carlisle did not kill Sam. It was Asher. I don't know how he got it to look like Carlisle did it, but I promise you it was not Carlisle."

"Liar! You're covering for them," Quil says.

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