Chapter Eighteen

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    I rub my newly sore shoulder before looking over at Quil, who is not back to his human self.

"Did you have to hit me so hard?" I ask.

He shrugs, "sorry. They said to fight back."

Emmett laughs, "I can't believe you chucked her into a tree."

"It's not funny," I say.

"It's pretty funny," Edward says.

"Whatever. Next time you won't get so lucky," I say.

Quil chuckles, "whatever you say, Wolfe. I'm down to go another round whenever you want."

Edward shakes his head, "calm down you two. Both of you did great today. Quil, thanks for your help."

"No problem, man. It was cool to see how you guys do things. Mia, if you want to get back to the reservation before the bonfire then we better head out."

I nod, "sure. We'll take my car."

We say goodbye to Edward and Emmett, and I lead Quil into the garage. When we stop in front of my car, Quil's mouth hits the floor.

"This is your car?"

I hit the button to unlock the door, "yeah. It was a gift from Carlisle and Esme."

"This is a gift? For what?" he asks.

I shrug, "I don't know. I guess to make me feel like a part of the family."

Quil shakes his head, "it pays to be a vampire."

"That it does, my friend. That it does."

We get into the car and I pull out of the garage as we make our way back to the reservation. When we pull up, Quil sits in his seat in disbelief.

"Quil, you okay?"

"It's like riding on a cloud," he whispers.

I laugh before pushing my door open.

"It's just a car, Quil."

He shakes his head and steps out, "it's so much more than a car."

"You're right. It is so much more than just a car, "I laugh.

We head around the side of the house and find everyone in the backyard, laughing and carrying on.

"What's this? You guys started the party without us?" Quil asks.

"Never, dude. We all know the party doesn't start until MC Master Quil arrives," Embry laughs.

"You know it, dude," Quil says.

I roll my eyes, "you two are idiots."

"Yes, but we're your idiots," Embry says.

I shake my head and Embry laughs before nodding his head over towards the beach.

"Seth is down there with Jacob getting the beach ready for the bonfire."

"Thanks," I say.


I make my way down the beach where Jacob and Seth are gathering wood and setting it up in a makeshift fire pit. Jacob is rearranging a couple of pieces of wood, while Seth is making sure that nothing else falls. I sneak up on Seth before wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"Hiya, handsome."

Seth laughs before turning around and kissing me lightly on the lips. He brushes a few hairs out of my face.

"Hey, gorgeous. How was hunting practice?" he asks.

"Good. Emmett brought Edward to teach a couple of different techniques and Quil was really helpful."

"Nice, maybe next time I'll join you guys."

"Sounds good to me. How's the bonfire set up coming along?" I ask.

Seth nods towards Jacob, "Mr Perfection over there took over about a half hour in."

We watch as Jacob walks around the fire pit talking to himself.

"Hey, Jake! You need any help?" I call out.

He looks up before smiling at me.

"Sure. You two lovebirds can go and grab some more wood. I need a couple more pieces to fill some empty spots."

"You got it, hoss," Seth says.

Seth and I intertwine our fingers before walking off into the woods together. We are not even five feet in before Seth pulls me towards him and presses his lips to mine. I pull away after a few minutes and arch an eyebrow up at him.

"What was that for?" I ask.

Seth shrugs, "just felt like kissing you."

I smile as my fingers play with the hair on the back of Seth's neck. His thumb traces patterns on my hip as he pulls me even closer, his lips brushing mine.

"You gonna kiss me or..."

Before I can finish, Seth's lips are pressed firmly to mine. Seth's hands slip from my waist and up to my hair as a light growl leaves his throat. In less than thirty seconds, Seth has his hands out of my hair and under my legs, lifting me up. My legs wrap around his waist as he presses me back into a tree. His lips move from mine and trace a path down my neck before returning to my lips. His hands cup the back of my legs and we pull away long enough for Seth's shirt to hit the forest floor. I run my fingers up his stomach as his lips press onto mine again. We are soon interrupted by Jacob loudly clearing his throat.

"Seriously, guys? I send you to get firewood and find you making out against a tree in the middle of the woods."

Seth drops me and picks his shirt up off the ground.

"You could have just stayed on the beach," Seth says.

"It's been like five minutes. I wanted to know what was taking you two so long. I should have known," Jacob says.

Seth slips his shirt back on before flipping Jacob the bird. Jacob laughs before shaking his head.

"Just go grab some more wood and since I can't trust the two of you to stay on task...Mia, you're with me."
"But...." Seth says.

"No, buts. Let's go. Sam says the food is almost ready, so we need to have the bonfire set up before then."

Seth looks at me and I shrug before following Jacob back out onto the beach. When we get there Jacob has me help grab some of the bigger logs and rearrange them around the fire pit so that everyone has a place to sit. Once we're finished with that, Seth returns with more firewood. 

"Where do you want this?" he asks.

Jacob gestures to the other side of the firepit," over there."

Seth sets the pile down and Jacob picks up a few pieces to add them to the pit. 

"Guys! Food's done!" Emily calls out.

"Awesome, let's go eat guys," Jacob says.

He leads the way back up the beach as Seth intertwines our fingers before leading me up the beach.

    The surge of possessiveness that shot through him watching the two of them together was unlike anything he had ever felt. When would she understand that she belongs to him, not that insolate little pup? He growls in frustration before snapping another photo for his collection. He had thought that she understood when he had shared his mind with her. He thought that she would share his vision for their future. Instead, she betrayed him. Tried to sever their connection with that pain in the ass, Kai. He wouldn't let her though, he will do whatever it takes. First though, first he had to come up with a plan. One that would rip away everyone she has ever cared about and finally make her see that he is only one of her.

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