Chapter Twelve

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    I laugh as Gabriel lets out a whistle, walking around the car. I had finally found him at Elder Harrison's house.

"Is this what I think it is?" he asks.

"Do you mean is it the new Aston Martin? Yes, yes it is."

"And how did you, Little Wolf, get the new Aston Martin?" he asks.

"It was a gift from Carlisle and Esme."

"Remind me to ask the Doc to make me an honorary member of the family," he says.

"I'll be sure to let him know," I laugh.

"So, what brings you by? I thought you were staying at the Cullen's for a couple more days."

"I was but then I got an interesting phone call from Hunter."

Gabriel blows out a breath before running his hand through his hair.


"Shit is right."


"Do you want to tell me why exactly you decided to petition the court for custody of me? And more importantly, why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"I'm only doing this because I think it's what is best for you. You belong here on the reservation with the pack. If I had known you were mine sooner then you would have grown up here with your people, not in New York trying to hide who you are and your legacy."

I shake my head, "you do realize that he is one of the top lawyers in New York, right? Not to mention he is also being considered for Attorney General. There is no way he is going to let you win."

"I'm highly aware of my brother's success, Little Wolf. I'm also highly aware that he didn't play by the rules to get there."

I know exactly what Gabriel is talking about. Hell, half of New York probably knows what Gabriel is talking about. Hunter didn't exactly get to be the top lawyer in New York by being a good lawyer, not that he isn't one. However, let's just say that when the Italian Mafia asks you to handle certain things discreetly and you do, you can easily find yourself working for the top law firm in the city as a name partner without even lifting a finger.

"He's going to come at you with everything he's got."

Gabriel looks at me before pulling me into a hug.

"I know, Little Wolf. But I'll be damned if I let you spend another day being the daughter of that bastard. I'm not scared of anyone or anything he can throw at me. He might not what to admit it, but I'm still alpha. More importantly, I'm his alpha which is something he has got no choice but to respect."

My phone cuts off the rest of our conversation and I pull it out to glance at the caller I.D.

"Speak of the devil," I say before answering.

"Mia, if you have time to spare in between being a crushing disappointment to me and disrespectful delinquent to your mother; I am at the airport and in need of a ride. I expect you here within the next hour."

Before I have a chance to respond there is a click and then a dial tone. I shake my head as I hang up and stick my phone back in my pocket.

"Did he just call you a crushing disappointment?" Gabriel asks.

"Yep. Don't forget I am also a disrespectful delinquent," I say.

Gabriel shakes his head, mumbling under his breath.

"Go get that asshole and bring him to Rose's. He's got another thing coming if he thinks he can talk to you that way. Especially since he hasn't exactly been the perfect son to his own mother."

"You got it, hoss."

I jump into my car and head to the airport, already mentally preparing myself for the car ride from hell with Hunter.

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