Chapter Ten

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The next day I find myself in Carlisle's office telling him and Gabriel about the fight. I even tell them, with some strong encouragement from Emmet and Edward, about the nightmares that have been plaguing me since I was turned. Once I finish, I heave a big sigh of relief and wait for them to react.

"It seems as though you were right, Carlisle," Gabriel says.

"I feared that I would be," he says.

"Huh? Right about what?" I ask.

"Seth came to us the day he brought you here and addressed some concerns he had. He said that Asher claimed that he still had control over you, that he could make you do whatever he wanted. At first, we thought that Asher was just trying to scare Seth but we looked into it just in case. After we found that it didn't fit the description because you didn't seem to be having any trouble with Asher and control, we pushed it aside. However, Seth's story combined with your nightmares confirms it," Carlisle says.

"Confirms what?" I ask.

"That Asher used compulsion on you," Gabriel says.

"Compulsion is an ability that some vampires or in yours and Asher's case, hybrids, have. It allows them to control the mind of another simply through eye contact, verbal command, or just by an advanced form of the ability," Carlisle says.

"And you think that Asher used that on me?" I ask.

"He certainly did it to get you to attack everyone and we believe he has been doing it ever since. Although why he has not compelled you to simply come to him or attack everyone we are not sure," Gabriel says.

"Perhaps since the first initial attack, his compulsion has weakened and he no longer has complete control," Carlisle says.

"I don't want to wait to find out so, how do we break it?" I ask.

"Either by the death of the Compeller or by having them break it themselves. There is a third way, but it involves finding a vampire or hybrid stronger than Asher to compel you to forget Asher's original compulsion," Carlisle says.

"Okay, do you know any stronger compellers?" I ask.

"I believe so, yes. When I was with the Volturi we met a rather unique vampire with the ability to make people and vampires do whatever he wanted just by looking at them. Aro tried to convince him to join us, but he rejected the offer and made Aro forget about him. If I can find him then I may be able to get him to help us. Until I do, I think we should try looking for a way to further weaken Asher's hold on you," Carlisle says.

"I'll ask some of the Elders I can still trust. Maybe one of them knows an ancient trick that can help," Gabriel says.

Gabriel heads out and I leave Carlisle's office. It feels like my battle with Asher will be never-ending. Feeling a little overwhelmed, I head off into the woods to clear my head. The rush of the wind against my face helps me to slow my thoughts. I reach the creek that runs through the woods and sit down on a nearby rock. I'm so lost in my thoughts that it takes me a minute to notice that Seth has come up behind me.

"How long have you been following me?" I ask.

He walks closer, "long enough to know that you're not okay."

I sigh and he gestures to the spot next to me.

"Mind if I sit?"

"It's a free country, isn't it?"

Seth sits down next to me and picks up a few rocks before tossing them in the water.

"You want to talk about it?"

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