Part - 16

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om finally opened his eyes . he saw his complete family hovering over him , om was relieved , yes relieved he realised what grave mistake he has done after taking the sleeping pills . he smiled at his family members but was soon rewarded with a full fledged tight slap , ooch that must have hurt :) .

pinky : how dare you ? asked a very angry pinky singh oberoi 

omkara looked at the faces of all his family members the most comical one was of rudra .

om tried to bite his lips to stop himself from smiling 

omkara : mom.... i a...mmmm

again a tight slap ....

this time om sweared he saw rudra running his ass off from the room .

om could not stop himself , he laughed out loud he knew these slaps were for the worry he has put his family through . he hold pinky's hand and kept it near his heart for pinky to get confirmation that her son is alive .

omkara : mom i am sorry ... really sorry see i am alive and i promise to you i will never do this stupidity again .

pinky : you better ... 

saying this pinky hugged om for her dear life . few tears left her eyes . it was like a happy realisation for pinky , she realised she love om more then any of her kids probably because it was he who was always scared and need pinky the most ....

suddenly the door bang opened and in came the princess of oberoi family ,

priyanka : bro ... what happened to you she asks with tears in her eyes .

omkara immediately got up from his bed ,

omkara : nothing princess see i am perfectly fine , how are you dear ? 

priyanka hugging him - i am fine know bhai ...

shivaay : excuse me if this emotional and action scenes are over can we have your attention pls MR. OMKARA SINGH OBEROI .

om self thought :

you are gone om shivaay will not leave you . shit look at dad he must have low bp what i have done , and look at anika thank god mom slapped me otherwise anika would have killed me . 

shivaay : earth to omkara ..

omkara : hmm.... hi shivaay are you gonna punch me ?

asked a very nervous om 

priyanka chuckled she went and hugged her father who was holding his head all this time and thanking all the gods possible for saving om .

shivaay : let me think about that but for know how are you feeling ?

omkara : i am fine bhai ...

shivaay signed om always calls him bhai when he is emotionally drained he have to talk to him separately ...

anika : ok enough of emotional talks where is rudra ?

priyanka : he is busy fighting with bhavya in the corridor... 

said priyanka nonchantedly ,

WHAT ! shouted everyone 

first rudra never fights secondly with a girl NEVER ! rudra is a charmer he always flirt with girls but know he is actually having an argument with a girl means that girl is different .

everyone moods lifts immediately they all rushed to see the fight LIVE 

PINKY : i am already liking this girl ...

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