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"So what do you think? You gonna get that job?" my co-worker Mindy asks me.

"I don't know. I mean... yes, I would love to take it, but then again, would I get another job after that? And then another, another and another." I sigh "I'd like to settle down sometime, and if I take this job, my plan of having a normal life crashes."

"I think taking the Malaysia job is pretty near of having a normal life. You're just diving and searching something in the water, right?" she says while she dries a glass with a cloth.

"Did I tell you that Jameson doesn't have the permits to do this? Meaning this would be illegal."

"Well maybe you do need something illegal in your life!" I stare at her for a while and I'm interrupted with a man yelling on the other side of the counter. I walk to the man with the best fake smile I own.

"What can I get ya?" I ask


"That'll be six bucks." I answer.

"Six bucks?! Are you serious? I could have three beers at the supermarket with that price."

"Sir, if you're not happy with the price, then you can go to the Supermarket and buy your own beer." I turn to walk away, when he yells.

"Fine whatever. Give me a beer." he hands over the money on the counter. I pour the beer in a glass and bring it to the man.

Before I grab the money, he takes my wrist. "I could also pay in other ways if you'd like." he laughs and looks at me from head to toe ending up watching my chest.

"Ew, gross." I try to take my hand away from his grip, but it gets tighter.

"Let go of me, you fucking pervert!" I pull away and he loses his grip.

He huffs "Bitch."

My eyes widen and before I can think, I take the glass and throw the liquid to his face. I turn around and make my way back to Mindy.

"I am definitely getting that Malaysia job."  I grunt

Few hours later after I finished my shift, I walk outside and get to my motorcycle. I take my phone out of my pocket and dial a number and pressing it between my ear and shoulder while I'm preparing my bike.

"Hey, Beth."

"Hi Nathan! Are you at JMI right now?"

"Yeah, how come?"

"I was thinking about dropping by."

"Oh, yeah sure. I'm just doing my paperwork so I shouldn't be too busy. Come over."

"Great, I'll see you in a bit. Bye." I hang up and get on my motorcycle.

The wind through my hair makes me remember the times me and Sam drove together. He didn't have a helmet with him, which was because it made driving more dangerous, since the was always a chance we could crash with the bike. He wanted to live on the edge. Luckily we never crashed into anything.

I stop in front of the JMI building and see as lights are on in there. I got off of my motorcycle and comb my hair with my fingers. I saw a figure coming from the front door and immediately recognize it as Nathan. He walks backwards and I cut him off.

"Hey, Nate!"

"Beth, hey... I..." He looked startled and changed his look to the door and to me.

"Oh, do you have a customer or something? So sorry to interrupt, I'll make it quick." I take my phone out and start walking towards Nathan and stop a feet away from him.

~Man of Fortune~ (Samuel Drake fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now