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We sat around the table, keeping our eyes on Saint Dismas' cross that was still untouched. We had sat here for a few minutes enjoying a good scotch and silence. Sam decided to break the silence and picked up the cross that was lying on the table.

"Okay." he pulled a hammer, and right when he was about to hit it, he turned to us. "I hope I don't go to hell for this." we all smiled and watched as Sam hit the cross with the hammer. He looked inside and his smile faded.

"Shit." he said

"What?" Nathan said and leaned forward in his seat.

Sam looked at us. "It's empty."

"What?!" Nathan raised his pitch as he looked at the cross. I felt as my shoulders slumped with the disappointment, but before I started to smash stuff, Sam shook the cross and a paper roll fell from it.

I punched him to the arm "I cannot believe you!" I said through gritted teeth.

"You're such an asshole." Nathan added and we all stared at the paper roll. Sam opened it to find a creation of swords and skull, with the words "Hodie mecum eris in Paradiso" surrounded by it. Under it, it had numbers 1659 and 1699 signifying the dates Avery was born and died.

"So we have date of birth and death and 'Paradise'. Which means we are looking for Avery's grave." Sam said

"At Saint Dismas' Cathedral." Nathan said and stood up from his chair

"But we've been there all ready. We searched every single thing in there, and I bet Rafe has done so too." I said

"Yes, we have searched the cathedral. But we haven't searched the graveyard." Nathan said and showed us a map.

"So Rafe's been searching for the wrong area." Sam smiled "Guys. We're going to Scotland."

"All right, all right. Wait up." Sully said and began to argue with Nathan about this trip. If we'd go there, Rafe would know that we are coming, and Elena doesn't know anything about this thing.

"I think you should go home, Nathan. We can take care of this. If Elena finds out that you've been lying to her---" I started to reason with Nathan, but he cut me off

"She wouldn't understand." Nathan explained

"And you're not giving her enough credit!" I raised my voice, practically shouting to Nathan.

"The biggest pirate treasure of all time is within our grasp. I will not let Elena get involved in this, since Rafe is still searching for it." Nathan argues

"I thought this was about saving Sam." I say with less aggressivity in my voice.

"Come on. It's both. We need the treasure to save Sam." he said.

I pushed my chair across the floor and stood up. "Do you hear yourself, Nate?" I cannot believe he'd do this to Elena. "I'm just helping Sam get his life back." I sigh "If she asks me, I'm telling her the truth"I say and leave the table to go to my room.

I cannot believe Nathan is that blinded by this treasure that he doesn't realize what he is doing for Elena. What if something would happen to him? And why does he not trust her? She obviously trusts him, when she believes this crap.

I hear a knock on the door and I go and open the door. Sam is standing in the doorway with one of his arm resting on the doorframe. "Sam, hey." I say surprised

"Things got a little heated in there, huh?" Sam asked and raised his brow

"In a way, I guess." I shrugged "But I meant what I said. If she calls me, or asks me about it, I'm telling her. I'm not helping Nate lie about this, even if he didn't ask me to."

"Nathan called Elena." Sam said and I raised my eyebrows in question. "He told her job was gonna take a little longer than expected."

I groaned silently and shook my head. Then I sighed and looked at Sam "When are we leaving?"

He smiled to me "Tonight. Start packing something warm with you, I heard it was pretty cold out there." he said and left me to pack.

Few hours later we arrived to Scotland. And Sam wasn't kidding when he said it was cold in here. I cannot feel my toes. We hovered over the sea for a while, and then Sully landed.

"This is so unfair." I crossed my hands while sitting. "Why can't I come with you. I could help you, and I'm a great helper." I said sternly

"Someone's gotta take care of old man while we bring back the treasure." Nathan said through radiophone.

Sully took the radiophone from me and spoke to it "As much as I would like to disagree on that, I need you Beth in here. If something goes wrong, then we'll go and help them." Sully said while looking through the door to Nate.

"Listen, we are good to go in here." Nathan said

"Wanna say something before they go, Beth?" Sully turned to me and I rolled my eyes. "Guess we really pissed off Beth here." he said with a chuckle. "Happy hunting." Sully said with a smile. "And, Nate--"

"Yeah?" he answered

Sully hesitated, then said "Just bring me back something shiny, will ya? To Beth too."

"That's the plan." he said, and Sully closed the door of the plane. He sat on the pilot's seat and then, we waited.


A/N: Feel free to vote and comment :3!

Lots of Love,

Violet O.

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