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I handed Nathan and Sam a towel "No treasure, then."

"Not yet." Nathan answered with full of hope

"I don't know what you're talking about. Look--" Sam handed a bronze colored coin to Sully. "We're rich!" he said sarcastically

I stepped closer to Sully while he eyed the coin for a while, then he gave it to me. I sat across from Sam, and I studied it intensively while listening to the conversation going around me.

"Then what was the point of all that, huh? If the treasure was never in Scotland?" Sam asked as he started pacing the plane

"Avery was recruiting people. Cross was an invitation. The caves were... initiation." Nathan wondered

"Oh, so we all passed, huh? Congrats, Birdie and Victor. We get eye patches and parrots now." Sam said sarcastically.

"He had to enlist people that he could trust in order to keep their treasure secret." Nathan turned to Sam "What if Avery sent out crosses to the other wealthy pirates, as Thomas Tew and himself. What if they all hid their treasure together?" Nathan said

"So where in Madagascar are we going?" Sully asked.

"King's Bay. It was an old pirate haven." Sam answered

"Anything more specific?" Sully asked

"Well, that map chamber completely caved in, so, you know..." he threw his hand in the air.

"You don't need a map." I said and raised my eyes from the coin to three confused looking guys. "What's the one thing the pirates would've left with?" I grinned and threw the coin to Sam.

"A volcano." Sam said and flipped the coin in his hand

"There is one in King Bay." Sully stated "Which means, we need to get to a move on." Sully said and flew us to Madagascar.


Few hours later, we finally landed in Madagascar. Nathan was adjusting his holster on his shoulders while speaking to Elena on the phone. I changed my clothes, at the plane to army green shorts and a black tank top. I put on my regular sportswear shoes and put my hair on low ponytail. Finished it off with a gun stuffed in the back of my shorts and then walked to the guys.

As I came back outside, I noticed Nate had finished his call with Elena and at that point, my phone began to rang. I took it from my backpocket and checked the caller. It was Elena. Was she beginning to suspect something? And if I'd answer her, I would have to tell her about this. That is what I said to Nathan back in Italy. I would tell her if she asked. 

But...maybe Elena didn't need to find out about this? I don't want to cause anymore problems we already have with the mercenaries. 

I pushed the power button until my phone closed. If I didn't see her calling, I wouldn't have to tell her. That's not as bad as lying to her, is it?

We drove around the King's Bay with sun pouring out on the sky. I slowly started to feel very uncomfortable with the heat, and was ready to go back to Scotland any minute now. Seriously. Any minute.

We got to a big muddy uphill, and Nathan decided to use the wince that was installed in the jeep.

We started to climb the hill, when a rock started to roll over from the cliff. The wince was caught by the rock and the jeep moved quickly from the cliff. We were now hanging on the wince and hanging in the air on our car.

"The cable's gonna snap any minute now!" Sully said panicking

"Hit the gas! Pull us up!" Sam guided while grabbing on the jeep and Nathan did as told. He started to pull us up by hitting the gas and shortening the cable. Rocks started falling towards the car, and hit to the sides. One large one hit the car with so much force, the whole jeep started to fall down, and as the cable caught us again, I lost my grip from the car and flew out of it.

"Beth!" Sam yelled and caught my hand just in time, before I fell to my death. "I gotcha. I gotcha" he continued.

I climbed back to my seat, and Nate started to drive us back to the top. Sam started praying while holding on to his dear life, which I would've found amusing if I wasn't scared at the moment. Once we hit the ground again, I let out a breath I didn't know I was keeping inside me.

Later we got to a small building made out of rock, and once we got inside through all barricades, we came to a beautiful old and spacious room. On the other side, there was a huge wall full of legendary pirates' sigils and a statue of crucified Saint Dismas. This confirmed Nathan's theory of pirates hiding their treasure in one place. Nate and Sam started to inspect a secret doorway or some kind of lever, when me and Sully stood a little further away from them watching amusingly.

"Guys." I said, but they didn't pay attention for me. "Hey, boys!" I said louder and that made them turn around to face me.

"Whenever you're done foundling poor Saint Dismas, I think you might wanna take a look at this." Sully said and the Drake brothers backed up so they saw what me and Sully saw. 

It was a map with pirate towers.

Suddenly we were ambushed by the mercenaries. Using all of my ammo, we beated them and found out something else. They had too figured out the towers and their locations. We studied it for a moment trying to find out which tower we should get to, and then Nathan realized that the coin had a sigil in the back. But because the coin had faded and wounded a bit, we needed to narrow our choices into two towers.

We agreed that Nate and Sully would take other tower, while me and Sam inspected the second tower.

We took another jeep in which the mercenaries had arrive in, and began to drive to our tower.

"So..." Sam started.

"So..." I echoed.

"How's life... been... doing?" he asked while looking at me from time to time.

"Well... it has been fifteen years, Sam. A lot has been going on in my life." I smiled while sarcastically answered his small talk question. "How about you?"

"You know... Normal. Joining my sweet time in prison." he answered casually. After a small pause, he began to talk again, with nervousness in his voice.

"So um... I've been meaning to ask, that if you. That if you're..." he struggled finding the words. He exhaled loudly "Have you found someone? You know. A partner. Boyfriend? Girlfriend?"

I chuckled lightly and turned to face Sam, who still had his serious face. "Nope. Been single for a long time." I swear I could see a little sigh of relieve from him. "What about you? Found someone in prison?" I asked playfully.

"I wish I had, but no." he said and chuckled.


A/N: Thank you for reading! I must say, that this chapter was a bit boring, but I promise the next ones will be amaaazingg. 

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Lots of Love,

Violet O.

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