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After a long gun fight with the mercenaries, I found my way to Nathan.

We ran away from the fight, and soon we saw Sully.

"Sully!" I yelled and hugged him quickly "What the hell are you doin here?"

"Came for the rescue." he said, and smiled warmly.

"We still gotta find Elena and Sam." Nathan says, and like a sign, Elena greetes us. She hugs Nathan quickly, and then she comes to hug me.

"I'm so sorry, Elena." I say "I should've told you." I start

"It's okay, Beth. It really is." she says truthfully and then lets me go. "You saved their ass again?" she asks Sully with humour in her voice.

"Naturally." Sully jokes "How you doing?"

"Good. There was some close calls, but um... he covered me." our eyes turn to Sam who walks to us. He and Nate change few words, as Sam eyes me from time to time. He and Nate agree to talk about the Alcazar situation later. After we've got away from this island.

"You know... guys..." Sam starts "We could go to that direction, which is a short cut." Sam says

"To where?" Nathan asks

"To Avery's treasure." he says

"You just don't know when to quit." Sully says.

"And I thought you said to me that we weren't getting the treasure. It's too dangerous!" I say viciously

"We all are here for the same reason, right? Right?" Sam eyes us all.

"We didn't come after the treasure, we came after you." Elena indicated to me and Sam.

"And I appreciate that, I do... But we're good. And we got the lead for now." he let out a laugh. "We can do this." he continued on trying to tempt Nathan and others into going to look for the treasure. He argued with Sully, then he turned to Nathan.

"How long have we been looking for it, hm? I mean, no offence but they don't get it." he said, implicating to rest of us.

Nathan sighed. "Actually, Sam... they do. They have seen this kind of obsession before." Sam sighs and looks anywhere else but Nate. He brushed Sam's chest to get his attention again.

"We're not those kids anymore." he looked him deeply in the eye. "And we got nothing to prove." he said, pleading.

Sam threw his hands in the air as a sign of defeat, but disappointment drew on his face.

He really wanted this, and I don't know if it is because of the treasure, or the realization that they've grown up. That Nathan has grown up. That Sam is the same he was fifteen years ago. He had missed so much when he was in prison.

That look on Sam's face... it killed me. He was so close of starting to cry, but he held it together.

"Victor, where's the plane?" he said quickly while biting his lips together.

"Right this way." Victor said sincerely and Sam and Elena followed him as I stepped to Nathan's side.

"He really wanted that treasure." I stated in sad voice.

"Yeah. He did." he answered softly, and started walking. I stayed on my spot frozen.

This was his dream. He did put on so much work on finding it, and now it was all shattered. He even lied to us so we could help him find it. That empty feeling of not finding the treasure would stay inside him forever.

"You coming?" Nathan pulled me back from my thoughts. I nodded, not getting any words out of my mouth, and started walking.


A/N: Feel free to vote and comment :3!

Lots of Love,

Violet O.

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